Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), an institutionalist in the Senate, said Thursday that she would vote to reform the filibuster if it’s necessary to pass abortion protections.
Kate Riga:
Thanks for doing this work.
Getting our Senators on the record will be key to move Roe codification forward.
Thought: Could you take this Feinstein quote and read it back to Sinema’s staff?
Asking what the JUNIOR Senator from AZ knows that the Senior Senator from CA doesn’t?
Way to go, TPM! Pinning down the Senators who have been reflexively trying to weasel out of commitment to their voters on this is definitely the winning strategy.
Call me a cynic, but “there should be no question that I will vote…” is not the same as “I will vote…”
Meanwhile, it’s time for Feinstein to retire. It’s imperative that the person appointed to finish Feinstein’s term will commit to these important votes.
I remind folks there were 48 votes to change the filibuster rule for voting rights. There will be 50 votes to change the filibuster threshold from 60 votes to 50 + 1(VP) for codifying Roe, gun control, S1/John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and DC/PR statehood. All we have to do is vote.
Since the Dobbs leak, the Dems have been in a tie to -1 with the GOP in the generic ballot. Since the Dobss decision, the Dems have been ahead by 1-2 points in the generic ballot. Our at risk Senate incumbents appear to be polling fairly well. Our challengers in PA, OH and NC are also polling well. Ron Johnson is vulnerable in WI. Let’s focus on winning the midterms. The key to a clear, if not decisive, win will be getting white women to shift from +5 Trump closer to the 49-49 tie Dems achieved in '18. If we do that, we’d probably win the generic ballot by 4-7 points (depending on how we do with white men, relative turnout etc.). If we were to win the white female vote outright, that would usher in a sea change in US politics. I’d pretty much bet that the GOP would fold on abortion and allow Roe to be codified.