Federal Judges Warn Of The Dire Threat To Democracy

Seems to me that even on 9/20/2020, the criminal ex president was speaking in code, encouraging assassination of the American president that American voters chose, instead of himself.

Which a solid majority of American voters rejected.


Despite Langford drinking the Kool-Aid.



I remember the day one of my employees came into my office to talk to me about my stated desire to see every one of our employees as “partners”, with the corresponding advantages and responsibilities.

This very, very wise employee pointed out to me “Rowlf, not everyone wants to be President. Some people just want a job, to come to work and go home.”

It helped calibrate me to the world, and stood me in good stead throughout my future career.

Now, if we can just harness that amongst the various zealotry groups (IRGC, Hamas, Netanyahu, MAGATs, etc)


I’ll go the @CaptainObvious route:
They want border security as an election issue.
Which creates the seeming paradox that, if they get what they so loudly demandt, they don’t have what they want. (ed.)
Apparently, it’s one of the hazards of making bad faith demands.


Stormy Daniels was heard to remark: “Not again!” :roll_eyes:

(Too much? Too soon? :woozy_face: )


So, while I have no interest in “speaking in code,” especially when it comes to trying to counter someone who I believed “occupied” the White house for 4 totally invalid and horrible years, which donald did NOT win or deserve, but still dominated the air-waves for the past 7 years, while he was both a squatter in the White House, and after. He LOST! He is a LOSER! (as you said: “Which a solid majority of American voters rejected.”) I totally agree. But the media and the Republicans, and the MAGATs have countered for the past ensuing, sickening years of lawsuits, and trials and evidence that has not shut his mouth or shut him down. If there is documented evidence that he was “encouraging assassination of the American president that American voters chose, instead of himself,” he really needs to be charged and, seriously, tried as a traitor. Because that is pretty much prime evidence of being one. And, of course, most of us all agree that he is. JMHO.


I had a pretty smart 7th grade teacher who told me “The world is made and run by C students.” Never forgot that.


I bet a million dollars Chump is working the International Treason levers as hard, or harder, than the ones at home.

Just look at this bombardment, in just a week or so the R’s have mobilized a crisis manufacturing machine and there is no reason to believe it is all just talk. There are boots on the ground, trucker convoys, caravans of ‘illegals’, State and Federal forces, lots of RW saying Civil War as loudly as they can. A battering ram of horrible news…the media is powerless (or unwilling or both) to stop the manipulation.

Not only are we facing RW ratfucking of Titanic proportions…TraitorTrump is likely two-timing and double-agenting everyone. He’s looking for anything to undermine the country. Will promise anything to anybody. But he’s also working for himself, trying to get a fat slice, pieces of every transaction, and favorable terms for access to cash and/or safe harbor from criminal prosecution.

So think about that, Treason from a thus-far untouchable demon spawn who can promise anything the U.S. has to any other entity, globally. Treason on Greed steroids. He’s already soaked up all the powers and money of the U.S. for his own use and protection when he was Prez. Now he can promise ‘Futures’ speculation.

My guess the backchannels are buzzing…because when Sell-Out TraitorTrump is the auctioneer EVERYTHING is for sale.
There is no way that he and his cronies are more sophisticated and better at international espionage than the usual professional syndicates…so are our spooks listening in on him and his network? Does an ex-Prez have extra protection from our National Security teams?

Makes the Loose Cannon slow-rolling even more suspicious. If there was espionage already afoot…how could Chump be allowed to continue wheeling and dealing? What are our NSA and spook agencies seeing?

Mueller, She Wrote
Oh come ON. You pressured the DoJ to let Turkey off the hook for skirting Iranian sanctions, and you & Vanky funded the Iranian revolutionary guard with dirty money through your tower in Azerbaijan. Stop acting like you don’t suck Iran’s dick under the desk.

Donald J. Trump
Sep 14, 2020
According to press reports, Iran may be planning an assassination, or other attack, against the United States in retaliation for the killing of terrorist leader Soleimani, which was carried out for his planning a future attack, murdering U.S. Troops, and the death & suffering…
10:50 PM · Sep 14, 2020


I did not mean for that to sound so Doomsday-ish. The part I forgot to add is how the Dems and Biden need to make this front-and-center. That Rs have resorted to conniving with an unelected shit-stain to undermine our nation no matter what it takes. Our govt. knew lots of stuff in 2015/16 and nobody said a word because it was scary or would look political or undermine avg. American’s confidence or some twaddle. Can’t do that again.

We need to expose it. Call it out. And much like all politicking post-J6…politics isn’t court. You can slime someone pretty good with near-truths or only bits of truth. We don’t need to have juries find these people guilty in a court of law before we can draw a picture for the voters. Justice is too damn slow, this is the 2nd election since they tried to assault and overrun the Capitol. Our politics can’t be tied to the speed of the courts.


OOh Ooooh I know the answer…


The obverse, or flip side of that argument is just as true. That’s where context and details become important to understanding a situation and developing a just solution. Whose feelings should control what happens?

“By disassociating magic and supernatural evil, it becomes possible to portray occult practices as good and healthy,” wrote Atlanta educator John Andrew Murray in Citizen , a magazine of the Focus on the Family organization, in 1999. “It is the duty of Christian parents to oppose Harry Potter,” said Murray, since the Bible condemns witchcraft (Deuteronomy 18:9-12) and tells Christians to “avoid every kind of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22).”

Should the Harry Potter books have been banned because some people got their “religious” knickers in a twist?

I don’t know that I have the perfect answer but I do know that being ok with having my ancestors on display should never mean that you don’t get to object when it is your ancestors. I think the people whose feelings must be consulted are the descendants of those ancestors.

The HP books are a different thing. If a person thinks that they are evil then they don’t have to buy them, read them, or allow them in their house. Me reading those books is none of their concern.

Putting their ancestors bones and or artifacts on display is quite different. I find it rather disingenuous to disregard the historical context of relations between the European invaders and the peoples that were here first. I do think extra deference should be shown in these matters because of that context.


The Truth, explained frequently and in words the MAGATs can comprehend would surely help. Why Democrats have allowed the wordsmiths in the Repub. party to dominate the narrative I cannot understand. Of course, Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh understood marketing long before Donnie Trump appeared as a result of their efforts.

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The slow education of Thom Tillis since he went to DC has been amusing. He has turned from being a rabid know-it-all tea bagger to an occasional rational human being.

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SOME 79…or even 80 year olds are sharper than an obese, out of shape, going senile 77 year old has ever been.

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And godwilling we will never hear his name mentioned ever again.

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Wowzer! Mommy’s little boy got the whole kit for Christmas, didn’t he?

That’s not going to happen. Twenty years from now some people will still be in the cult he has formed. And then Trump’s Presidency and now three election runs will be discussed in history and poli-sci classes until some other asshole decides that he is the “chosen one”.

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But are the current Native People living in an area actually the descendants of those objecting?

Ah, the old what happens to the dog when it catches the car and bites the tires conundrum?

(Hint: the dog doesn’t “win”.)


The conservative movement from 40 (?) years ago was very organized and very broad. Today, it continues to advocate for the same thing it did in the Limbaugh/Gingrich years. It has a purpose. It exists to achieve that purpose-- to empower the few.

Democrats, on the other hand, advocate for liberalism, for representative government, for empowering everybody. It recognizes that things change. Its focus is to represent change while keeping American traditional values in-tact.

That’s why Democrats have women representatives, African American representatives, Muslim representatives, gay representatives, ex-military representatives, blue collar representatives, etc.