Federal Judges Warn Of The Dire Threat To Democracy

It’s not just the leadership you’d have to take out. This would be a US boots on the ground fight against the fanatic Revolutionary Guard if it ever came to it. From Wiki:

As of 2011, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) had at least 250,000 total personnel.

The IRGC’s constitutional mandate is to ensure the integrity of the Islamic Republic. Most interpretations of this mandate assert that it entrusts the IRGC with preventing foreign interference in Iran, thwarting coups by the traditional military, and crushing “deviant movements” that harm the ideological legacy of the Islamic Revolution.


Ah! The chef’s kiss of Republicans impeaching the Director of Homeland Security for failing to secure the border, while they themselves…refuse to secure the border.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all if some Democratic wag - looking at you, Moskowitz - says something like, “Yeah, sure. You can get my vote to impeach Mayorkas…as long as we impeach Trump too. What Trump is doing is just egregious.


Republicans are going to pull out EVERY trick. They are going to artificially provoke every crisis they can, often with help from foreign govts.

Why do we think Grinnell was down in Guatemala? Civil War provocations, military clash/confusions on the TX border, Putin and Netenyahoo will help. RW in Congress abdicating their duties, treasonously letting Chump call the shots, hoping to cause an economic collapse, etc.


Ratatouille! Foiled again.


No. The King of Spain was not involved.

El dieciséis de septiembre , or the Sixteenth of September, marks the beginning of Mexican independence from Spain, its ruler since 1521. The 16th is the day that New Spain—which would become Mexico on Sept. 27, 1821 after 11 years of constant battle—declared independence from Old Spain in 1810.

1836: Treaty after fight for independence (one cause was settlers wanted to keep slaves after Mexico ended slavery).

Mexico still claimed Texas but was too weak to attempt to reconquer it; thus, Texas was de facto independent.[5] The documents were not even called “treaties” until they were so characterized by U.S. President James K. Polk in his justifications for war some ten years later

Treaties of Velasco - Wikipedia.

On the 1845 annexation and subsequent war:

Milestones in the History of U.S. Foreign Relations - Office of the Historian.


Don’t have to actually dismantle the professionals.

The single biggest mistake we made in Iraq.

Yes, certain people in leadership can’t stick around, but the rank and file generally can be functional with new leadership and directives. Most of them aren’t ideologues, just professionals working a career and making a living.


Her knickname is ‘catfish?’
Maybe this is the doll you were looking for:


It’s a mystery. Surely he would want everyone to know about his mastery of analytic geometry and improper integrals.


Well, I think this raises important questions about his fitness. What if there’s a national security situation that hinges on POTUS’ ability to ID a whale and it turns out he was “economical with the truth”? We could be in a real pickle.

Clearly Joe Biden needs to prove he knows what a whale looks like.


This is going to be well beyond the regular Rove/Stone dirty tricks and October surprises. Rs are trying to trigger actual security breaches and systemic meltdowns.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps aren’t ideologues? It’s their entire reason for existing. A religious bulwark against 21st Century modernization in Iran. And it’s not just them, there are the morality police, the ones who dragged Mahsa Amini out of a train and beat her up, killing her, for not covering her head with a hijab.

Taking out Iran’s leadership doesn’t solve this. The people of Iran are going to have to stage their own revolution against Islamic repression. I don’t think we can do anything to help them without getting into another hopeless nation building war.

Yes, I think so. An outrageous gesture guaranteed to have no effect.

Which is a bit ironic since their ostensible complaint is inter-governmental climate policy made up of grand gestures with no actual impact


I had you right down to the word “composure.” Wait. What?

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Morality police, absolutely different story and anyone personally involved in beating women to death for not having their hair covered, I’d support burying alive in the desert.

The IRGC itself, most of the numbers aren’t likely to be fundamentalists, it’s just the most elite, and therefore best paycheck and lifestyle.

Given new leaders and directives, don’t have to destroy them to remake them.

ETA: that was the fail in Iraq, just disbanding everything and leaving a lot of well-trained military folx out of work and with very specialized skills. We could have–and should have-- kept them in uniform and just reconstituted under new bosses and orders.

Instead, other people started giving them paychecks and job opportunities.


This gives me a little teeny weenie bit of hope.

Kari Lake Gets Booed By Her Own Party In Arizona | Crooks and Liars

More of the story here:
Kari Lake Booed & Heckled at AZ State GOP Election (msn.com)

80% of the audience.

The AZ - abc15 - Data Guru


#azgop third source: Kari was like 80% boos

1:56 PM · Jan 27, 2024



Damning with faint praise.


Trump may have been able to identify a whale on a cognitive test, but apparently he couldn’t identify one in any of his casinos.


My presumption was that, since Texas agreed with the 13 original colonies, the agreement was reached when the constitution was ratified, in the later 1780s. So, wannabe Texas’ option of future membership would’ve had to be approved by the King of Spain.
All balderdash, but in keeping with Noem’s original nonsense.

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No one likes a dirty snitcher. A Linda Tripp for our time.


Spain did leave some missions but the first Texas settlers came in the 1820s after reaching agreements with the government of Mexico.

The short version is that Noem is an ignoramus who appears to have learned her U.S. history at 1990s Tea Party rallies.