Deaths at home and on the street soared in New York City as the city began to grapple with the COVID pandemic, newly released data from the city’s Fire Department show.
“Percentage of Calls where Patient Died:” about 75% in the last few days charted.
It’s gotta be tougher and tougher to be a first responder, whether on a firefighting crew or as an EMT or even answering 911 calls. We need to give all possible support to the people who keep trying to do these tasks.
“Meanwhile, on alternate Earth MJ719, in a fairly unremarkable dimension of the multiverse, President Hillary Clinton has just signed legislation increasing the CDC budget, expanding the Pandemic Response Team, and funding free wellness checks for all Americans, following three straight years of US medical-supply growth and another decade of historically-low communicable disease…”
To report the true total number of deaths nationwide this sort of calculation will have to be made city-by-city and state-by-state, because the federal government will push back.
I posted elsewhere that Michigan is doing just that starting with today’s numbers. It’s also including now cases and deaths in state and federal prisons, listing them that way instead of “Other.”
You need to take the ratio of the “cardiac call” deaths to the number of “official” deaths that day and determine if it is increasing at a faster rate than the “official” COVID count.
My gut feel from eyeballing the data is that appears to be a constant ratio. An relative acceleration foretells a shit show…
I hope that every corpse is tested for SARS-CoV-2 and the result of that test is placed into the record of death. There may be too many bodies for autopsies, but I would also hope that a chest Xray is performed and the results of that test is also placed into the record of death. Furthermore, based on this data, I would hope that the coroner would pronounce at least one co-morbidity as COVID-19, so that the total number of the dead would eventually be placed alongside every mention of Toadglans throughout history, and permanently engraved into whatever foul marker is placed in his memory. He owns this number. His hands are filthy with the blood of these dead people.
In several years we will learn that the actual number of deaths from Covid are close to 200,000. Actual number now is probably at least 50,000, if not higher. The States are all vastly under-counting, and in some cases intentionally under-reporting, the actual number of deaths.
I am all for getting the best data, but this is not the best use of our resources now or test-kits… A good excess mortality analysis will be more than enough to cement the legacy of the Dithering Dotard…