FBI Seizes MyPillow Guy’s Phone At A Hardee’s - TPM – Talking Points Memo

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced on Tuesday night that FBI agents “surrounded” him at a Hardee’s restaurant in Minnesota, seized his cell phone and served him a subpoena (in his announcement, the pillow tycoon gleefully waved the order he claimed the feds gave him that said “not to tell anybody” about the subpoena).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1432114
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“Multi-millionaire” eats at Hardees. Okay.

Also… does that really work? Claiming to be the “victim” of a criminal investigation? It seems to me that most people aren’t going to feel a whole lot of sympathy.


I always pictured rich people as having chefs and eating well, I guess I was wrong.


Well, Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. are now the same company (Carl’s on the West Coast, Hardees everywhere else – except they are pretty scarce here in New England, and in New Jersey as well.) Carl’s, before it went bust and was acquired by Hardee’s, was owned by one Carl Karcher, a well known right wing asshole in California. He was busted for insider trading in the 1980s, and in the early 1990s, his own board axed him. Karcher was a member of one of those right wing Catholic cults (the “knights of Malta”), was an early John Bircher, and a general all around crackpot.


According to Graham, the 4th inning is late in a baseball game and the 2nd quarter is late in a football game.

  • More specifically, the FBI confronted him while he was in his car at a Hardee’s drive-thru, Mr. Pillow told CNN.

Hardees and all other drive-ups have security cameras - I’d like to see the footage of this ‘brazen confrontation’.

  • The panel also hasn’t decided what the next hearing will be about, or whether to invite Trump and/or ex-Vice President Mike Pence to testify, according to Thompson.

With all the documentation they’ve acquired since the last hearings, I’m sure it’s difficult what to show next. Just the Alex Jones texts alone…

Yesterday Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) proudly unveiled his proposed national abortion ban, or what he calls the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act” (virtually everything about that Bible-long title is hogwash, by the way).

You know what? I was thinking earlier. This bill should be brought to the floor as soon as possible. What a great campaign commercial for the Democrats with 80 GQP House Republicans doing the same, bringing a similar bill. They’re already whinging that it won’t be brought to the floor while the Dems are in charge. Make them eat that and put it to a vote TODAY. The result should then be broadcast far and wide as to the hypocrisy of ‘States’ Rights’ that they pushed after the Dobbs decision. Also, as a warning against voting GQP. Go ahead, Chuck and Nancy - bring it all to the floor as soon as possible. I’m frankly sick of the GQP getting air for the hateful actions they’re doing and they need to be called out NOW.

Ken Starr, the independent counsel whose Whitewater investigation eventually led to President Bill Clinton’s impeachment, died at 76 yesterday. Starr’s family said that his death was caused by complications from surgery at a hospital in Houston, Texas.

Well, I guess that takes him off the list for ‘Special Master’ or whatever the heck it’s called.

Rep. Mary Peltola (D-AK), who made history last month by winning the special election for late Rep. Don Young’s (R-AK) seat and becoming the first Alaska Native to serve in Congress, was sworn into office yesterday.

Here’s hoping she gets a long and happy political life. C’mon, Alaska, this is the right answer.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) is planning on keeping her leadership spot as House Republican Conference chair in the next congressional term: The New York Republican announced yesterday that she’ll be running for the role.

Doesn’t she, first, have to win her seat in November? Is there any chance that she won’t? Please?


MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced on Tuesday night that FBI agents “surrounded” him at a Hardee’s restaurant in Minnesota, seized his cell phone and served him a subpoena (in his announcement, the pillow tycoon gleefully waved the order he claimed the feds gave him that said “not to tell anybody” about the subpoena).

Yes. That’s Deep State speak, for sure.


Your first mistake is assuming he’s rich.

I suspect his resources have been completely drained through his stupidity.


You’re surprised?? His best bud “billionaire” FPOTUS ordered Happy Meals delivered to the White House.


Stefanik Shooting For Another Term As GOP Conference Chair

Based on her current performance, she definitely rates another term. She is right up there when it comes to GOP Assholiness.


T rumpp will come to his rescue where he will stand side-by-side with Lindell, and claim that Lindell is now My Piggy Bank.


I heard he pled the Number 5 with curly fries.


Seized his phone at a Hardee’s? I can’t believe they accosted him at work!


The Hill’s Morning Report — Graham steals GOP’s inflation thunder with abortion ban | The Hill


Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. are owned by a MAGAt. Fun fact.


Are you ready for some Real Fraaaaud! Hardees!

(Variant on their long-ago commercial)

Also, Eighteenth!


This will be in Flux, right up to the hearings. The Committee will mind the news of the day, and dovetail whatever is happening.


Pillow Guy goes to Hardees. Gets a #2 combo.