FBI Returns Trump’s Passports Seized During Raid

That’s gotta hurt


David Frost interviewing a 45 yr old Joe Biden


Or (same file)


One of the reasons for not releasing the affidavit is to continue having cooperation from the involved witnesses in other ongoing investigations. Once this goes to trial that affidavit is released to TFG’s lawyers and so to the world. His team will be doing their best to spook all witnesses then.


The Poseidon Plant is one of the most technologically advanced and ecologically conscious. It’s built in a city where people care A LOT about the environment. We are a major tourist city, our beaches are pristine. We weighed the pros and cons, and while there are still people unhappy with the plant, it’s working out well and many concerns have turned out to be unfounded

Do we actually have that? That seems like the kind of testimony that would raise lawyer-client privilege and require a court to sort it out.

The Hill talks about counsel being interviewed, but the closest it gets is this:

“It’s not theirs, it’s mine,” the former president allegedly argued about the records.

The NYT is similar, but puts it this way:

“It’s not theirs, it’s mine,” several advisers say Mr. Trump told them.

Neither really says anything directly about what the lawyers said to or heard from Trump. Is there some other source?

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How is this “undiscovered country” if there are laws in place as to what he can and cannot take from the White House?

Thanks for that. It makes me very, very happy.

Jenna Ellis is a good example of Trump’s penchant for hiring people based on something other than skills. Her legal experience (detailed here) isn’t really a good fit for high-level election litigation. That lack of experience, compounded by her religious zeal in trying to keep Trump in the presidency, made it seemingly inevitable that she would end up in the soup.


I appreciate their efforts and it’s better than nothing but, it will not make an appreciable difference in the water supply. There’s a reason why the Colorado River never makes it to the Gulf of California.

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Omg. That would be so freaking funny and true to form.

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The article mentioned that the former WH Counsels recalled direct exchanges with Trump. Two points stood out: he knew he had such info and refused to return it despite direct advice. They talked to him specifically about the National Archives issue.

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I think the idea here might be that no one has that on audio or video. There’s no recording or wire transmission that substantiates that. That’s the piece that’s missing and would absolutely be the end of this discussion, if it existed.

Direct witness testimony from former WH counsels would be more powerful than video. Trump wouldn’t testify and incriminate himself and Cipollone would bury him on the stand. FBI got those sworn interviews. Those guys have already testified to J6 so they’ll testify again. Trump is screwed at trial if Garland gets an indictment.


I hope you’re right on this.

Putting this in the context of your last post about FBI interviews, I think you are describing an article that says former WH counsels actually spoke to the FBI about direct exchanges with Trump in which they discussed (1) the fact that he had the info sought by the National Archives and (2) where he refused to return it.

That’s good news for the prosecution. Could you give me a link to that article? I’d like to read it.

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The Carlsbad plant (as opposed to the Huntington Beach plant that just got rejected over environmental concerns and opposition by enviro groups…hmm) produces 50 million gallons per day. In 2010, California used about 38 billion gallons per day. According to Public Policy Institute of California, in 2015 it was up to 39 billion. In the 10 years from 2010-2020 (for census data) California grew by 2 million, an increase of roughly 5%, so even with the per capita reductions in urban use that California’s shown, those numbers seem to track pretty well.

So for Desalinization to work, California will need another 780 of the largest desalinzation plant in the western hemisphere, all of them very carefully positioned for minimal environmental impact.

(Note: the environmental conditions that make the Bud Lewis plant’s minimal impact feasible are not common. It’s basically a one-off.)

Didja catch the reply?

Thanks, Obama https://t.co/5KZfiXIGgd

— President Biden (@POTUS) August 16, 2022

Talk about meme/countermeme.

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Desalinization is just one piece of the puzzle for sure. Although, when I drive around all over San Diego County I see people ripping out lawns and replacing them with xeriscape and low water native plant options. Some neighbors down the street planted what amounts to a hummingbird garden in their front yard. They hardly ever have to water it. It will be a multi pronged effort.

Yes, and all of that is part of ‘urban water use’, which accounts for 10% of California’s water use.

Which means, pun aside, all of that is a drop in the bucket. Reduce California’s urban (ie: human, non-agricultural) water use to 0, and you’d still need 700 of the Carlsbad plant.

We shouldn’t ignore the elephant in the room, which is there needs to be less people. We are way past the Malthusian Dilemma.

Obviously, but unless you’re going to endorse genocide, we need to find a way around it.

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