Fauci On Why Trump Backed Off Quarantine | Talking Points Memo


One problem here is trump does not understand the concept of personal honor. But i like your solution. Here’s a somewhat different solution more for the GOP…


“do what is right and…”

Not, “do what any of us would expect”…


But trump won’t leave…unless someone does it for him and frog marches him to a paddy wagon.

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Leaving before finishing a second term would mean getting frog marched by the state of New York. He’s trying to run out the statutes of limitations clock on state charges.


Did I mention how much I hate having to see, read about or hear trump? There is no more deserving human on this planet for a case of covid.
I very much want to see trump squirm in a courtroom and then do time on Riker’s island.

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He’s a sportswriter locally. Became famous for the books Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People you Meet in Heaven. He’s a good guy. He used his wealth and connections to start an orphanage in Haiti after the earthquake and drags his rich friends down there regularly to take care of it. He brought a little girl to Detroit to get medical care and she ended up living with him and his wife until she died. His chronicles of that time are heart-wrenching.


Thanks for filling me in. Sounds like a good guy. Glad you have him there!



That is a big, scary number:

In 2018, global GDP amounted to about 84.93 trillion U.S. dollars.

I have tried that–Prefer the French Press myself (And, yes, we have a backup French Press, because coffee).

I think I read somewhere that if the criminal conspiracy is ongoing, that particular clock is moot. But IANAL, so someone else will have to verify that.

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“governor’s and mayor’s”? do we now use an apostrophe for plurals?

Um, you are aware what you can do with your punctuation nanny post, right?

And “do” should be capitalized. But I wouldn’t be petty enough to point that out.

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On the way to bombing runs:


Great picture of adults trying to reason with a stubborn child.

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When Trump thinks of Michigan all he can remember is the searing rebuke of the touch on his forearm from Faith Green Timmons, the pastor from Flint. “That woman in Michigan” is any woman who dares to challenge him or question his great benevolence.


That is an excellent point. Trump as visionary.

Someone should make an ad of this idea, really. It could be devastating if done well.


With a reference to airports in the revolutionary war for good measure.


I thought it had his by-line at the top. Sorry.

Here is another, similar tongue in cheek piece.

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