White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday expressed his frustration over vaccine hesitancy among Republicans, following his tense exchange with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) last week.
The republicans right now are like the ants in a suddenly-exposed ant colony. They have lost their cover (fat donnie), and they are running around in chaos, doing anything they can to distract from what they have wrought.
“On the one hand, they want to be relieved of the restrictions,” Fauci said. “On the other hand, they don’t want to be vaccinated. It almost doesn’t make any sense.”
It does make sense if you recognize that many Republicans who champion ‘freedom’ and ‘individual liberty’ also refuse to accept or acknowledge any personal responsibility for the consequences of their actions on other people. For a society to be truly healthy it must embrace both individual liberty and the common good. Both are necessary and either to excess is dangerous to society.
“On the one hand, they want to be relieved of the restrictions,” Fauci said. “On the other hand, they don’t want to be vaccinated. It almost doesn’t make any sense.”
Oh, we have our fair share of idiots on the left. In my solid blue part of WA there are believers in Reiki touch healing, auras, crystals, Akashic records, 5G cell paranoia, you name it.
Idiots, but at least they vote Dem and most of them are getting vaccinated. Not all though. I’ve talked to a couple of people who are hesitant, want to see more people get it first because they’re afraid of side effects. At least it’s a much lower number than Republican-heavy parts of the country. And mask compliance is almost 100% out here.
My bi-weekly helper who does yard work for me and is a flaming Fundie said yesterday he’s not getting the shots because he doesn’t like “gene therapy”.
I asked him to explain gene therapy to me. He just looked at me. I said let’s get back to the yard work.
This is what we’re dealing with.