Fauci Cautions Protesters Against The ‘Risk’ Of Further COVID Spread | Talking Points Memo

Infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci voiced concern on Wednesday, that protests against racism and police violence, could reaccelerate the spread of the novel coronavirus due to crowding and a lack of social distancing.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1313690

Church is inside, just one glaring inconsistency I see with your comparison. Secondly, you have proved that the federal government wants nothing to do with limiting anything so giddy up ya fackers!


Protests can spread covid, sure. So can going to bars or the beach or other breaches of social distancing that are causing hospitalization spikes in several states.
Did Fauci speak about that?


Here in Tucson, SARS-COV-2 is spreading and hospitals are at capacity,

Duplicitous Doug Ducey is the governor, it’s starting to get really hot and the Catalina Mountains are on fire



Oh, and there’s this. (for profit detention facility). SMH.


Horns of a dilemma. Easy to choose to avoid the beach, or a bar or, frankly, a church service.


Anthony who?

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Yes, as a matter of fact, Fauci did speak about that:


Fauci issues stern warning after Lake of the Ozarks viral …

www.ksdk.com › article › news › health › coronavirus

May 27, 2020 - Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci issued a stern warning after seeing the pictures and videos from the parties at the lake . “We have a situation in …


As much as I would like to completely believe that Dr. Fauci is speaking truly and only from a medical standpoint, my inner voice asks how much pressure Fat Nixon is putting on him to use this warning as a means to quell the on-going protests, because they make Fat Nixon look really, really, really bad?


Between this McConnel idiocy and the Hannity nonsense analogizing the treatment of Floyd to the investigation of Trump, I think its abundantly clear the GOP is sending out subtext that they want to see Deplorable Lives Matter protests.


Trump expected to soon tweet “Liberate Protesters”?

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So Fauci is our hero except when Left is doing Political Things that We Like?

Stupid position. and he’s been consistent, so the critique should be sucked up.


Arizona seems to be the epicenter of the worst spike in the nation at the moment. The national average case rate is 596 per 100,000 since the pandemic began. Thus far AZ is better off than average, but with a steep curve you have a higher proportion of current cases. Its active case rate is higher than the national average.

I include a few states that AZ has been closely tracking with, until now:


As they’re barely talking by all accounts and he’s criticized all around - inluding as Trueblue quotes, Trumpy oriented things, there’s no reason to go full conspiracy theory for really a mild completely spot on observation by Fauci.

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Everyone knows the protests are going to cause a bump up. It’s the seriousness of the moment that tips the balance. In New York, Cuomo hopes that the youth of the protesters will help mitigate, or maybe it’s just that he simply has to say something to cover why this is allowed while preaching social distancing out of the other side of his mouth.

But they have to be allowed. The moment demands that they be allowed. God rest the people who are going to die.


Of course, those on the Religious Right believe, just as fervently as you do about the protesters, that “they have to be allowed” to have their crowded church services, even if it means spreading a deadly virus.


There is a inconsistency is Mitch’s point. “Church” gatherings were not being banned. All gatherings were banned to slow the spread of COVID-19. Thanks Mitch for trying to score political points. Way to be a leader.


those on the Religious Right believe, just as fervently as you do about the protesters, that “they have to be allowed” to have their crowded church services,

Yes they do. But I’m not the one allowing the protests. The state and city governments all across the country are. And the national and municipal governments in Europe are as well.

Obviously, a choice has been made. I’m with that choice – no less than I’m with the choice to limit church services, and keep people six feet from each other on beaches and in parks, and I’m aware there’s a huge cognitive dissonance implicit in this.

But this moment is now worldwide. When have you or I in our lifetimes seen protests in other countries against American racism and oppression on the kind of scale we’re seeing now? When has Black Lives Matter ever before garnered the support it should have from its inception in this country? This moment is important and the protests have to happen to keep the moment alive and meaningful and actionable. But some white people singing to baby Jeebus together just doesn’t have to happen, it’s historically insignificant. To me. And I say damn the inconsistency. Apparently our mayors and governors say the same – some out of fear of the moment admittedly. But I suspect some are inconsistent for the same reasons that I am. It’s time.


Yeah and Fauci warned Texas at least 6 weeks ago that we were going to have a spike that would last into July because of the GOP - they opened us up too early.

And we have one hell of a spike here.


Take care of yourself, @tena.


Thanks. It’s way worse than it was in March and April when we were locked down so I’m still quarantining. Community spread has exploded and it’s not the protests - there hasn’t been time to see what affect they will have.

It’s the Gov for opening businesses and parks and all the rest.