Fauci Cautions Against Declaring Victory In COVID Fight ‘Prematurely’ As Cases Drop In US

Though COVID-19 cases in the U.S. are going down while the number of vaccinations is ramping up, Americans shouldn’t get complacent about the state of the pandemic, warns top White House COVID-19 expert Dr. Anthony Fauci.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1375912

Too late! It’s full Miami Beach out there most places. There will be another wave.


He’s right. The UK is starting to see an uptick of cases due to the Indian variant. There is now a new Vietnamese version. In addition, data show that the rate of infection for the unvaccinated is just as high today as it was in January. We may end up in a situation where when the Indian variant hits working class areas and red counties with low vaccination rates pretty hard and the vaccinated areas are unaffected.


Maybe, but with the country tipping over 50% of adults vaccinated, it may only be local mini-waves and not widespread. Basically those parts of the country (read Red states) where mask compliance and vaccine uptake is poor

Here in WA, 62% of the total population over the age of 16 has had a first vaccination. The number is higher in more liberal parts of the state like King County, with 74% of those over 16 vaccinated.

We’re getting near the point where we’re not going to be at risk when some fool from a Red state who refuses vaccination comes out here to visit. I’m more worried about international travel and the risk of variants, but we’ll just have to see how that goes.


Oh, there will still be risk from his gun and his mama’s lawyer.


I don’t know what Fauci’s talking about. After wearing seat belts my whole life I’ve never been injured in a car accident, so I’ve stopped using them since obviously they’ve worked!


It will be called a conspiracy. “Biden is trying to kill us!”


There are still too many unaswered questions about variants and how long the vaccines last to even think we are out of the woods.


This is entirely false, and people should stop repeating it. Unvaxxed infection rates today are far, far lower than they were in January. The Washington Post story was cherrypicked, innumerate garbage.


I worry a bit about next fall and winter. I do think we might see a surge then but I also think it won’t be as big a surge since so many people are vaccinated.


This is where you put up or shut up, tex.

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Herd immunity is blue states.

Herd stupidity in red states.


What to do about people who don’t want to help themselves despite all the available evidence? What to do about people who don’t care if others are injured or die because of their selfishness? It’s part and parcel of a broader attitude on the right - that only their freedoms count. Be it guns, voting, vaccinations, or “religious freedoms”, it’s all about their getting special treatment and the upper hand in society. We can’t be a functioning society without a shared sense of community.


Well how does that account for the fact that the numbers are falling in Texas as fast as they are in New York and California?


So you’re going to discount blue cities in red states?


Daily new cases, January 8: 253k (7-day rolling average)

Daily new cases, May 28: 22k (7-day average, last day before weekend holiday reporting lag)

Percentage of adults with at least 1 shot: 62.6%.

If unvaxxed adults were getting infected at the same rate as January, we’d be seeing about 40% as many infections as in January. We plainly are not seeing anything close to that. Instead, daily new infections are about 10% of the January rate, because the vaccines fucking work for everybody.

And this is where you apologize for not bothering to look up the numbers yourself.


The sensible community is behind you, Doctor Tony. Has to count for something.


Because we’ve seen this movie before.

Last spring, COVID cases were also falling rapidly (largely due to the success of WA/NYC/CA). Republican governors declared COVID won (or a hoax), re-opened as fast as possible and got summer time second waves.

If Texas and Florida can get through the summer without another COVID wave, I’d be happy to admit I was wrong. I suspect we’ll see national COVID numbers plateau in the summer, with COVID cases continuing to decrease in high vax/blue states, but increasing in low vax/red states.


People aren’t listening anymore. Fauci’s becoming a voice crying in the wilderness.


I suspect the vaccine has driven down Ro numbers dramatically across the nation, thus exponentially decreasing the rate of infections. This article pertains to the UK, but the same principle applies.