Far-right blogger Mike Cernovich demanded access to the questionnaire answers of the jury foreperson in the Roger Stone prosecution, a court filing revealed on Friday shows.
Speaking of disinformation…
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Interesting note
My wife just called from COSTCO
It’s apparent no one is listening to the GREAT Leader. Everyone is in there panic buying toilet paper and food The worker said it’s the “Virus” and has been like Christmas for 2 days now
This mind you is in Orlando in Florida with no reported cases
Evidently not everyone listens to FAUX news
Cernovich asked U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson to allow him to join the case as an intervenor in order to obtain access to the questionnaire answers. She has not yet ruled on his request.
Good luck with that, asshole. Don’t be surprised when you limp out of court.
I’m glad they don’t believe Trump. Nobody should have ever believed Trump. But the home of the brave tends to get a little het up over stuff if you notice. Where I live it’s a hundred miles inland, and one time a hurricane came through and people prepared for it about like they would for the end of the world. Understand that when this happens it rains really hard for a day. It’s an inconvenience. But no, they ran to the stores and wiped out everything. You couldn’t buy a flashlight, they were all gone. I guess I was stupid, when I was younger, watching all those movies and stuff about keeping your head in a crisis. No, you should run in circles crying, it seems.
You just know the gunnies rush out and stock up on ammo too. They keep thinking society will crumble any day now and THEIR DAY WILL HAVE ARRIVED. (Secretly they want it. Maybe not so secretly.) They even call it a name—they say it’s when the “shit hits the fan,” initialism of course SHTF. What kind of gun is best, how long does ammo stay good, radios and batteries, how do you cut off and salt-cure one of your legs and which one is best if needs must. OK I kind of made up that last one but their imaginations are far more vivid than mine so who knows.
Actually, he probably does have standing to intervene. It’s the exact procedure the Washington Post used when it sought to obtain the juror questionnaires from the Chandra Levy murder trial. See in re: Access to Jury Questionnaires, 37 A. 3d 879 (D.C. Ct. App. 2012). He’s even aping the language of that opinion.
Note that’s the appellate court for the District of Columbia, not the federal appellate court for the D.C. Circuit.
What happened to the flashlights from the previous time there was a run on the stores? I can understand items like toilet paper going off the shelves, but stuff that should last beyond each crisis shouldn’t wind up getting caught in the frenzy each time as well…
As much as we try to portray ourselves as those rugged, brave individualists(1), it’s clear that the general populace is more prone to being squishy, frightened conformists(2). Then you have “Doomsday Preppers” who inadvertently blend the two ideas into one and try show they are (1) by taking (2) to the extreme.
Really it is all about Demonization. The modern right thrives on hate and need someone, anyone, to hate. There is no lie, no slander that they won’t believe about “them”. All they need is a few pages of off the cuff answers from someone and they will find some misinterpreted grainual to justify and reinvigorate all their hate. And when they don’t get it, that will just be another reason to hate.