Far-Right Group Recruits Followers To Overwhelm Election Offices With Voter Roll Challenges

Bullpucky. It’s straight up voter suppression and intimidation.

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Most of these f*ck heads will be as stupid as the MAGAT that came into the polling place I was working and demanded to know who was going to count his vote, because he KNEW that his vote wasn’t counted the last time.

The majority of these 'tards never voted before TFG dragged them out from under their rocks, and so have no idea what this simple process is all about.

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I don’t follow your explanation. I don’t possess any sentence diagramming skills, but I’ll try to explain my two different understandings with parentheses and brackets. The relevant portion of the passage is “go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another.” Here are the two different interpretations that I see:

  1. … go in disguise [(on the highway), or (on the premises of another)]…
  2. … go [(in disguise on the highway), or (on the premises of another)]…

You seem to believe that one of these interpretations is invalid, presumably from a purely grammatical point of view. Can you explain why?

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“True the vote” is a perfect an example of George Orwell’s Newspeak.

It turns the truth on its head, meaning the opposite of its apparent meaning. Up is Down.

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Let’s not forget another favorite GOP voter suppression technique, Voter Caging.

Voter caging involves challenging the registration status of voters and calling into question the legality of allowing them to vote. Usually it involves sending mail directly to registered voters and compiling a list from mail returned undelivered. Undeliverable mail is seen as proof that the person no longer resides at the address on their voter registration. The resultant list is then used by election officials to purgenames from the voter registration rolls or to challenge voters’ eligibility to vote on the grounds that the voters no longer reside at their registered addresses.[1][2]: 129

In the United States, the practice of purging voter rolls has been challenged by the American Civil Liberties Union, Fair Fight Action, and other voting rights advocates in the courts for perceived racial bias when minority neighborhoods are targeted, and some courts have declared such purging illegal under the Voting Rights Act of 1965. However, the practice remains legal in many states, and the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a 2018 legal challenge to Ohio’s list-maintenance process.[3]”

Have the challengers submit one application per challenge – on paper, absolutely no electronic or bulk challenges – and make them certify for each application that they personally know that this voter has moved. Would that work? Or is bulk voter challenging some kind of constitutional right?

Article should have emphasized that this is part of a full spectrum of approaches to suppressing the vote.

This goes hand-in-hand with election day tactics to force “select” voters to file provisional ballots.

In Ohio, for example, the only way to cure a provisional ballot is to go to the county BOE and verify that one is a legal voter.

True the Vote’s race-based strategy is to suppress the urban votes and further investigation will reveal suppression of those voters is the key to their swing state suppression strategy.


In MN, you have to have personal knowledge that the voter is ineligible in order to challenge them and there are defined rules that must be followed to be a challenger.

Yes, it should be remembered that a crucial reason for Bush the Lesser getting into the White House was a voter purge operation that was known to be throw tens of thousands of legitimate voters off the roles – the right sort of voter. Being flawed was the reason it was done. This is an old proven tactic for vote thieves on the right.

Why don’t we flood the True the Vote with offers to volunteer? Let them sort it all out.

There’s an OR between this way of violating the statute and other ways of violating the statute. You don’t need to diagram the statute. Understanding that the word “or” means “any one of these” is enough

State legislature are the source of attacks on voting rights in many states.

Of course. They wrote the playbook. These are same tactics they used against abortion. Standing outside PlannedParenthood harassing anyone seeking services and bombing the PP site as well as threatening medical staff and going to their homes & protesting.

Sheer harassment indeed. To stop people from exercising their right under the law whether it’s abortion or voting!

Christian Taliban.

Trump has never won the popular vote. He will not this time either.

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I there any wiggle room here? For example, could one of our “originalist” judges argue that the right to vote was not guaranteed to everyone, or something like that. I would imagine that the clerks working for Alito, Gorsuch, Thomas, and Kavanaugh are already scrambling to refute 18 U.S.C. 231, and Coney Barrett has a call in for Opus Dei HQ.

Could Sam Alito pull shit out of his ass and sling it at the Solicitor General? Sure. Meteors might also fall out of the heavens and smite the polling stations. “Could” could happen.

Ignore them and get out the vote where you can…