Far-Right Group Recruits Followers To Overwhelm Election Offices With Voter Roll Challenges

Georgia is the one state where it can make a difference, after all Trump lost for mere 12000 votes


It’s the Ku Klux Klan Act. The disguise requirement applies to both clauses.


That surprises me. I would think that the behavior should be criminal whether or not the perpetrators were disguised.

(And the passage still seems ambiguous, to me.)

It’s specifically aimed a criminalizing the Klan’s activities, and they knew the Klan liked to play dress-up.


No they can’t. This is an effort to get the right wing hoi polloi to flood the system with bogus challenges using a lousy app.


Nah. I see an army of sex starved Messianic-American sophomores with a lot of their daddy’s cash and a deified avatar of wealth.

It is possible Bro might be short for Brownshirt.

If the Republicans spent half as much time trying to actually appeal to a majority instead of finding horrible ways to suppress the vote and game democracy, they might eventually be a viable party instead of a cult.


Another trust-fund baby, fraud and willing dupe for hostile foreign governments and home-grown authoritarian traitors. MAGA, in sum.


They have no intent “to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate,” they are simply concerned citizens petitioning the government to determine whether those people are legally registered to vote. We all know that a stitch in time saves nine.

In my opinion, organizations that advocate the opposite of what their name implies should be described in print as the so-called whatever, or should be accompanied by a disclaimer. “The so-called True the Vote organization.” Or the “True the Vote voter suppression organization.”


“Injure” is not limited to physical harm. If a voter gets wrongfully booted from the rolls, that voter has been injured in the exercise of her right to vote.


Context. The quoted text is conjoined to the clause prior with an OR

Not sure, but that statute looks like it was introduced via the Ku Klux Klan Act


“…an amateur operation prone to reach mistaken conclusions…”

More accurately "…an amateur operation [designed] to reach mistaken conclusions [and sow maximal chaos]…

Fixed it for ya.

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States have perfectly acceptable ways of maintaining the vote rolls that are consistent with federal and state law. How can I say that? Because the instance of proven fraud in voting is very low. So the elections officials are doing their jobs as required.

These election truthers will also complain about how long it takes to get election results and say ah ha! they’re intentionally miscounting. Every time they take action to gum up the works, it takes time away from actually counting the many races on each ballot.

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“Organizations like True the Vote are using technology to try and legitimize faulty claims about massive voter fraud,

I don’t think they care about that at all. True The Vote is a partisan organization. It’s a GOP shop. They don’t need to legitimize prior election denying. They’re using it to put a partisan filter on voting. If they gain access to voter roles who do you think they’re going to focus on? What partisan leaning will the areas they come down on lean?

This is nothing new. The war in Iraq wasn’t an effort to justify the boatload of lies in the run up to it. It was the goal of the lies.

I think someone should challenge every voter name in The Villages. make them prove they are alive and citizens.


Here we are today. Our choices for President are as follows: the oldest man ever to run, a sex offender and maybe the biggest business fraudster since ENRON, and finally a man who sorta brags about the fact that worms ate part of his brain! You can’t make this shit up. We are in trouble internationally, have porous borders, an economy that sucks for average people, and a society that seems to be racing to the bottom in terms of balkanization. Anyone who’s not flatlined has to recognize that we are in serious deep shit.

OK, I got that out of my system. I don’t have a solution, and it’s probably too late to do anything anyway. God help us.

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The efforts of right wing fascists to steal the 2024 election will be epic. Will state and local law enforcement do their jobs?

It’s clear to me that the Trump MAGA movement don’t even care if they actually turn out their voters. They just want to steal the election and foment chaos. Will they call out the military? That kind of coup would need key allies in the military, state national guards, and local law enforcement. relying on kooks like Untrue the Vote and right wing militias won’t he enough.

I just don’t see how’d Trump can steal an election he loses with Democrats as governors in most of the swing states and the few Republicans in charge like Kemp unwilling to do it.

Am I unduly optimistic?

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Far-Right Group Recruits Followers To Overwhelm Election Offices With Voter Roll Challenges

How many different was will the GOP try to suppress the votes of people of color?

Like father like son. Crooks both.

“Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was arrested twice: in 1927 during a Ku Klux Klan riot, and in 1976 over code violations at a building he owned in Maryland.”

Former president Donald Trump turned himself in to New York authorities Tuesday on charges stemming from the investigation of hush money payments to adult-film star Stormy Daniels in 2016. For the Trump family, it isn’t the first time a patriarch has been taken into custody.

Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was arrested twice: in 1927 during a Ku Klux Klan riot, and in 1976 over code violations at a building he owned in Maryland.