Facebook Rejects Biden Camp’s Request To Take Down Trump’s False Ad About Ukraine

Facebook told Joe Biden’s campaign this week that the Trump campaign’s ad pushing the debunked conspiracy theory about Biden and Ukraine will not be removed from its platform.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1254800
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Of course. Make no mistake: Zuck is in it for the GOP.


Zuckerberg and Sheryl are worried that a Dem admin will break up the monopoly. Which they will, because it needs to be done. And they need to be regulated just like any other news/media company.

Screw them and their faux concern for free speech. It’s all about the Benjamins.


If someone posted an ad that claimed that Zuckerberg and Graham were having an affair with Nunes’ cow, would Facebook allow that? I think not.


Ah, they do the treason because there is money in it. Right. Go Capitalism!


How many times has FB lied about Russian election ads in FB?

There should be legal exposure for FB on this. If NOT, when we have a Patriotic Sen Congress and true Patriotic POTUS, then there should be safety protections/legislations for FB et al sim to cable or tv legislation and EU!


I won’t miss Facebook. It was always a halfbaked idea.


Do it, do it, do it! (And then let those of us without accounts know what happens)


This presidency has given the language new synonyms for “lie.” First was “alternate facts,” and now it’s “free expression.” I’m sure there are and will be more.


Harbath said the exception would be if a politician shares a “viral hoax” in the form of an article, video, or photo “that has previously been debunked.”

“That is different from a politician’s own claim or statement–even if the substance of that claim has been debunked elsewhere,” she wrote.

Say what you will about Ms. Harbath, she works hard for the money.


"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history." – George Orwell


Is there any way for Biden to sue FB for libel, since it appears to fit the definition? The first amendment doesn’t or shouldn’t allow people to willfully publish clear lies that damage someone’s reputation, even if they’re a public figure. If someone puts out an ad accusing Trump of sleeping with goats, that isn’t parody, he should be able to sue them. I don’t see where free speech suffers from this, especially since we’re talking about civil, not criminal suits. MZ is a megalomaniacal sociopth and needs to be stopped.


If you haven’t already deleted your facebook account, now might be the time.


I can’t tell you how much I loath FB, and have so little respect for people who use it constantly other than when work forces them to. It’s a site for needy and/or shallow people who haven’t fully grown up. There are such better ways of staying in touch with the people you care about, and so few reasons to stay in touch with those you don’t care about. Plus, its design really blows.


No, he’s in it for MZ and FB. He’s a very rich whore is all and still basically the pathetic social runt he was at Harvard that led him to create his creepy site for insecure stupid people.


He’s begging for his company to be broken up and highly regulated. And it’s well past time for exactly that.


They are applying the standard incorrectly…if a video of Trump making these statements was posted, that should be allowed. That’s not the case here, this is a video of demonstrable lies created as propaganda for the purpose of damaging another person. It’s not a campaign ad, it’s a hit peace, and that is something that should not be allowed through. It’s a failure of our system that is allowing these kinds of lies to happen, we really need campaign reform to stop it, and we need legislation to stop places like Facebook allowing this stuff to end up on their site.

I guess Zuckerberg is hoping Trump wins again, because the Democrats will regulate Facebook, and he won’t be able to do whatever he wants anymore, or monetize the users for his own fortune. He’s had a good run taking advantage of people, he should step back and let Facebook change into something that’s better for all people instead of the right wing cesspool it’s headed towards.


Makes it abundantly clear.


bring on President Warren.


The art of circular reasoning has found its champion in Katie Harbath.