Face Masks Make A Political Statement In Era Of Coronavirus | Talking Points Memo

I’d buy one of those!

I live in Idaho - we are in a staged re-opening. I had to go out and get supplies yesterday. Went to Staples and a local furniture store (need a new office chair). Only about 1 in 4 people were wearing a mask - 100% of employees were.
Went to Costco and they are requiring masks. What a great sight to see… except the asshole walking around without one and clearing looking to cause an issue - staring everyone down. He had to have one to get in - what an dick.


Never maskers are no better than smokers, intentionally communicating, “suck it,” by blowing their stink in your face.

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I resent what is yet another attempt to generate conflict and divide people.

My understanding is that, according to the data, if you’re outdoors and practicing social distancing, a mask isn’t necessary. (If anyone has any reliable evidence otherwise, please respond.)

I wear a mask any time I go indoors. If I’m outside, especially given how sparse it is out there right now, I don’t, unless I’m coming up on a cluster of people I might have trouble avoiding, whether they’re wearing masks or not.

Just because I try to comply with the facts to the best of our knowledge without overkill, doesn’t suddenly make me a Trump supporter. It’s irresponsible to compare it to wearing a MAGA hat.

But hey, thanks for turning this into yet another excuse to polarize people and make them hate each other on false pretenses.


Inconclusive science and shifting federal guidance have no doubt muddied the political debate.

Yeah, it especially didn’t help when the research was just as inclusive (and for SARS-CoV-2, practically non-existent) at the beginning of the pandemic and American health officials were telling the country - when they weren’t trembling with rage on twitter at the thought of people wearing masks, that is - that masks absolutely positively could not ever in a million years help even a tiny bit.

I’m not aware of what motivates @thepsyker but what you need to be mindful of is the message you are sending if you’re not wearing a mask within sight of people.

The recommendation is a minimum of six feet. Actually, if you cough of spit, the spray can actually carry much farther. More importantly, if someone sees you not wearing a mask, the message you are sending, even if it’s beyond six feet, is that you’re not mindful of the fact that you could be sending virus particulars out to people.

So sure, make sure you have a mask handy, and it’s just not that much effort to put it on when you’re outside. It signals to those who might hesitate that they, too should be taking precautions and you just might not infect somebody because you’ve got the virus and are still asymptotic as it’s only been four days.

It’s just a mask, but it’s also a social signal, so please put it on and wear it proudly. The rest of us will appreciate you for it…

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To be honest I just assumed that response was pne of those where the system seems to glithch
and randomly assigned it as a response to someone. It otherwise doesn’t make much sense as a response to my comment, which was simply responding to a comment that the bothsiderism in this article was shit by pointing out it was by the AP and thus to be expected.

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Yes, I’m well aware of the recommendations, thanks. We all are, even at the time this was written two weeks ago. That you felt the need to explain the “6 feet rule” means you’re making assumptions, and not favorable ones, about where I was coming from. If I lived in an environment where that wasn’t beaten into my head hourly, I’d be safe because it would mean I’m living in a cave away from civilization. You even felt the need to bold it (!) so my neanderthal brain wouldn’t miss it. Six feet, got it.

I’m also on board with the idea of mask as social signal. But at the time I wrote this there might be nobody for 20, 30 yards or more on the street. I think that’s a safe social distance, don’t you?

And we each have to decide how we’re not going to drive ourselves crazy in the potential infinite regress of protecting ourselves. One way I’m going to protect myself from now on is to keep my choices to myself, because people continue to interpret what I say in ways that reflect their own fears and concerns, not my actual practices, and trying to prevent that would require stating the obvious to a degree that would be exhausting.

Fair enough?