Extremists Eye Jan. 17 In Bid For Insurrection Violence | Talking Points Memo

If the post of yours I replied to had ended there, I would not have replied, because I think your argument, just posted here, has merit. Sen. Collins deserves no credit for admitting Biden won. Again, that’s what I was responding to.

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He got lost on his way to the Ted Nugent Farewell Tour gig.

I’m not “pounding” anyone. Collins gets her well deserved criticism for saying ridiculous, stupid shit like, “I think Trump learned his lesson” or, I thought the rioters were Iranians."

Give me a break! Maybe you shouldn’t defend idiots simply because they’re female.

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Yes, of course, the dozen or so others along with her don’t deserve Honorable Mentions for acting like elected government officials should.

I went ahead and reported the most egregious ones like those. The comments for that channel are 95% QAnon. I know the channel was already demonetized a couple months ago. Hopefully YouTube goes ahead and bans it soon.


I think they are already shadow banning some by limiting the search results and recommendations,

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Well, compared to items 1 through 4, everything else looks like a rounding error.

I mean, the geiger counters alone were a fortune all by themselves.

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Life’s too short to eat lousy sandwiches.


Kind of makes sense because laborer need to stay home and work.


I call them UI’s or Useful Idiots.

You’re now more or less openly accusing others of being bigots for no reason. Me thinks you’re a bit to sensitive based on your own experiences. You’re almost arguing we should be more gentle BECAUSE she’s female. SURELY, that is NOT the case.

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Yes, if the Rules of Engagement are satisfied. Armed insurgents breaching Police barracades are fair game.

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All those Trump flags were a dead giveaway that these dudes and dudettes were Persian invaders !!


Did I use the word bigot? No. I’m just hoping against all odds that men lay off tackling this particular woman for sport. Whatever. She won reelection

“She won re-election; therefore she is off limits, no matter how appalling and despicable her behavior”?

“Potentially violent”?

you don’t live in Maine, do you?
Where is she? Haven’t heard a word except for the statement put out with a buddy.
last I heard she thought Iran was attacking the capital.
what an opening for trump. she tried.
then she disappeared again


Collins is not a Nazi, not a Nazi sympathizer; that’s just an overexcited poster. But Collins is thoroughly lame: confirmed every right-wing Justice; acquitted Trump, claiming he “learned his lesson,” and a host of other despicable words and actions. Shame on Maine for returning her. (What’s the story there?) Will anyone be surprised if Collins votes to acquit again? Collins can be counted on for nothing.

it’s a tricky one and nobody questioned the outcome.
2 weeks before the election she was trailing Gideon by 4 points or so. The tv was blasted by political commercials from both ides. One side seemed truthful and the other was attack at all costs and say anything. complete character assignation of the former speaker of the house. the morning of election day collins was down 7-9 %., by nights end collins won by such a huge vote count that the rank choice voting didn’t even matter.
Sara Gideon conceded quickly.
Gideon had a huge donation advantage from Mainers and out side sources while most of Collins money came from out of state directed by McConnell. I lost a bet because the wave was against collins bigtime and felt like a sure thing…
How she pulled it off is beyond me. NObody questioned the results, collins is here for 6 more years and she is doing what she does best. Hiding quietly in the corner waiting for orders from McConnell. Which is going to be interesting since McConnell had been demoted.
since election, not one commercial, not one statement to Mainers, that I know of. She seems to have disappeared and squeaks out a few words or a statement when forced to about things like the insurrection. which her response was, " I thought Iran was attacking the capital"
and so it goes.


Thank you for writing. This is how I also remember Collins’ re-election.

Collins’ statement on the attack on the Capital was a calculated, cynical lie; she knew Goddamn well there were no Iranians attacking the capital. But it was a semi-clever diversion, as it was intended to be.

Why were the polls off in 2016 and 2020 - but were dead-on in 2018? Because there really were and are hidden Trump voters. I suspect Collins won for the same reason, riding on the coattails of the hidden Trump voters.


Refraining from making accusations of others motives would be swell. And yes, when you’re making a specific gender based argument attacking all men as only commenting ‘for sport’, expect some blow back and the inference you are accusing others of misogyny . Perhaps you meant something else

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