Exec. Director Of GOP AG Group That Robocalled For Coup Event Resigns | Talking Points Memo

The executive director of the Republican Attorneys General Association (RAGA) resigned Monday after the revelation that an arm of his group sent out robocalls promoting the “Stop the Steal” rally last week that turned into a bum-rush attack on the nation’s legislature. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1354064

Trying to get out of Dodge and heading for the hills.

Got it.

EDIT: This is metaphorically attempting to flee the scene of the crime.


They keep resigning thinking that’s going to erase/whitewash everything they did.

They’re wrong. They’ll soon find out just how wrong they are.


Courage of one’s convictions in relation to a seditious attack on Capitol is sorely lacking in certain members of a certain political party.


It takes a certain kind of pernicious blindness to be the Exec. Director of the attorney’s arm of a political party and fail to recognize the long term role of that party in law breaking and the promotion of political and civil violence.


So the Rule of Law Defense Fund, an arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association, pushed an armed insurrection that tried to kidnap members of Congress, and murdered a police officer.

George Orwell lacked imagination.


This may total overwhelm the RW institutes, non-profits, think tanks, and the like. Are there enough law firms to hire some of these folks, or will Sidney Powell be a warning to those firms?


I just hope the impression doesn’t turn into “conventional wisdom” that this sort of resignation is “rats leaving sinking ship” so much as criminals fleeing the scene of a crime.


They will simply set up shop under a new 501 name.

Wingnut Welfare™ is a thing.

Trying to drown these pukes and their groups is analogous to trying to sink turds floating in a toilet bowl with a spoon.


This is exactly what a radicalized political party looks like and clear evidence that the rot is systemic and not linked ‘a handful of extremists’.

These AGs need to be called to account for this.


Lets drain the swamp

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Since the whole Stop The Steal bullshit was originally orchestrated by Roger Stone, is there anyway that asshole can get ensnared in this and end up in prison?


So in less than fifty years the Republican Party has moved from stealing documents and bugging Democratic Headquarters at Watergate to threatening and attempting to kidnap Members of Congress in the Nation’s Capitol Building. What a party! What a bunch of gangsters! They should all be locked up!


RAGA Executive Director Adam Piper … looks like a child - but certainly has no issues with slaping the “Liberal” lable on all of his adversaries and then arguing that by being "Liberal"they are evil to the core …and should be destroyed

Ken Paxton, attorney general of Texas and a member of RAGA, spoke at Wednesday’s rally, pledging that “we will not quit fighting” in reference to Trump’s attempts to subvert the election result.


Racists in suits and ties - always the worst of the worst.


Holding himself responsible by running away from the dumpster fire he created.

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Being semi-permanently unemployed will give him lots of time to ruminate on his misdeeds.


Rule of Law Defense Fund

Jim, jeez.

Don’t you just love hearing about how “lawless” liberals are? When the worst human being in the world was inaugurated President of the United States, and we liberals were in despair, what happened?..A bunch of mostly women put on pink hats and marched PEACEFULLY to express their un happiness.
Witness the rightwing’s response to a lawful, fair and decisive victory of Joe Biden over their insane Orange Idol, and we get Wednesday the 6th.
Let’s compare the “lawlessness and violence” of the two groups, shall we, Mr. Rightwing Lawyer?


OMG! Thanks for the photo of this pissant. I hate to judge anyone just by their looks, but like Miss Lindsey Graham, the smarminess just oooozes out of that guy’s eyes. And the softness of his mouth and chin just shouts miserable self hatred.