You can’t. It’s an irreversible colloid.
This is so confusing. Isn’t the usual method in Arkansas to ask every woman if Joe Biden ever sexually assaulted or harassed them?
- Catching the son with an illegitimate child is a nice touch though. Ken Starr tips his hat.
This is what I was referring to. He says he has “files” on Biden, though I highly doubt that. I agree the threat makes no sense, but it’s Rudy and there it is.
Actually they can unscramble eggs now. Tastes like squirrel meat that’s been out in the sun for too long before you popcorn popper it, though.
Binders of Biden.
Well, then they’re not bloody eggs then are they, mate?
Bud Cummins can provide whatever testimony he deems relevant to Congressional Committees, but should do so in a non-partisan manner. He should provide full disclosure from who he learned the information, who he shared it with, and whether there is reason to doubt its credibility.
Perhaps they are in David Pecker’s safe with the Trump dirt.
And about as legit as Romney’s “binders full of women”.
Giuliani Says a Safe Full of Biden ‘Files’
Is this blackmail, extortion, or bribery?
I forget which is which?
Cummins likened the request to being approached by a woman who had had her purse stolen in Central Park, and then taking her to a police officer. “I was trying to report a crime,” he said.
“Hi, is this a former U.S. Attorney in Arkansas? I’m calling to report a purse stolen from me in Central Park.”
This guy is SO FULL OF .
I look forward to Josh K revealing just how much and who else was helping spread it.
It’s how I approached the Game of Thrones Finale. Could have done without the bloody dragon, though. A Zeppelin would have worked better for me.
Bad acting.
Oh, come on. Those are such ugly words. Let’s just call it “protection”, shall we? I’d hate to see your beautiful country burn down.
He was full Fox by 2017.
Oh, I don’t doubt that he said it, but I take it as walking back his earlier threat.
Really, if his concern is about being disappeared, I gotta suppose his words are meant for Parnas and Fruman’s buddies in the Ukrainian and Russian families; while, if he’s talking to Drumpf, he’s trying to put an end to any talk of tossing him under the bus as a scapegoat.
Definitely less than a BJ.
No, you weren’t trying to report a crime. You admit you had no evidence there was a crime.
You were trying to help someone else report what they said was a crime. There’s a huge difference and you’d think a lawyer would know that.
Well, if he’s withholding material evidence of a crime, isn’t that obstruction?
What I don’t understand is…
Let’s say I was part of a party that so consistently relied on innuendoes from people that coincided with their self-interest, and unvetted accusations often from shady characters with axes to grind.
The other party holds public hearings with public servants sacrificing in order to testify under oath.
If the parties were reversed, I would seriously be questioning whether I wanted to be a Democrat or not. How is it that this obvious asymmetry is not having a similar effect on more Republicans?