Former top Pence aide Olivia Troye on Monday said she was furious at an effort by the Trump campaign to use Dr. Anthony Fauci as a “political pawn” in a new political ad.
Biden campaign came up with a response to tRump’s Fauci ad, which intentionally takes tRump out of context to show what that looks like and how that must feel…(so far its only on the Biden twitterfeed so I’ll try to embed the vid, but I don’t think I can) Only able to link to the vid on twitter, I think.
Donald Trump is running TV ads taking Dr. Fauci out of context and without his permission.
Fear for their safety is likely one reason. Trump inspires the dregs of society, as in sociopaths who plot to kidnap governors of blue states. Plots were not limited to the governor of Michigan. There is real evil out there.
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — FBI agent: Anti-government paramilitary groups in plot against Michigan governor discussed kidnapping Virginia governor.
The big question is how many will revert right back to their former selves if tRump loses and that helped get us in the mess we’re in right now? How many will become deficit peacocks again? How many have bothered to attack the way the Repukes have manipulated the federal judiciary while tRump’s been in office? Their problem with tRump is that it exposed the power-at-all-costs evil brand the Rs have been selling the country for the last several decades to hold onto that power. Now that its a total embarrassment and out in the open, they can’t go back to dog-whistles and voter suppression they all were a part of before tRump got into office. I appreciate their support for Biden, but make no mistake, its temporary, and will do nothing to change the course of the Republican party’s destruction of norms and power at all costs type power grabs after Biden hopefully gets into office.
Trump has no one he can turn to in his circle.
They know only what he allows them to know and he knows nothing.
Trump has to make it appear that someone in the know is on his side.
I think its Milley’s turn to come out and explicitly say the same thing as Fauci by condemning tRump’s use of his image and his position as a sign of support. He needs to condemn this in no uncertain terms. None of this wishy-washy shit.
Olivia Troye has been in federal government longer than QTip, she was assigned to assist him, and was still fuming when she taped an ad for Repubs Voting Biden (msnbc last night).
There sure are enough of those people around these days. Perhaps enough of them to form their own party. Or they could just use these folks to fill in for the vacancies…