I[quote=“khyber900, post:19, topic:190427, full:true”]
I am mildly curious about the notion of protesters storming Mar a Lago.
I’m guessing the layout doesn’t lend itself to it? Never been - but likely there’s just a gate - and a LOOOOOOOONG driveway winding up through parkland? Kinda hard to ‘storm’ it?
Yeah, all that is true. But I’d rather stuff go down there than to small businesses. I edited my comment to refer to protests first. I realized that Trump would probably send in the 101st Airborne before anyone got close to his precious properties.
That is an unfortunate side effect. Not always the reasoning behind someone writing that though. Certainly a huge problem we have today is there is almost equal amounts of ratfugging going on, as the False Flag and Anti-False Flag have really muddied the waters.
It would be nice if the person just planted a BLM sign rather than spray-painting and defacing property. Perhaps that would be a sign of legitimacy rather than subterfuge.
Your statement has made me curious about something. What do you consider “black”? Is there a certain ancestral percentage required? Is it personal appearance? Is it being subjected to racial oppression? What about a retired white guy who tutors black kids every free moment for no pay with the desperate hope that he will improve their lives? What about a white guy who has donated a kidney to a person you might consider to be black? Does that add to their “blackness” at all? Or are those guys just saps?
I don’t think anyone should deface property, but what some see as defacement others see as art. I’ve seen some really great graffiti on train cars, etcetera, and if I knew who had done it, I’d try to get them into art school. Frankly, I’d rather wear a BLM T-shirt while marching through tear gas than spray paint BLM on a Trump golf club sign, because I know the time will come when that sign is going to be bulldozed. I might not live long enough to see it, but I know it will happen, just like all the Nazi symbols in Europe were torn down.