Amy McGrath, a former Marine lieutenant colonel, launched a Democratic campaign on Tuesday to unseat Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in 2020.
I know nothing about her but progressive Kentuckians, speak up…We need your voice and your choice of the best candidate to beat this piece of shit. Can a young white male devoted progressive Xtian do the job better? Whatever it takes Kentucky. Whatever it fucking takes. Be realistic.
You want a fighter, that’s what it’ll take. If McGrath is afraid to link McTurtle to tRump and goes wishy-washy on tRump’s lies about lowering drug prices, I can’t see how that’s much of a fighter. tRump never had any intention to lower prices for BigPhrma so the lies need to stop now. McTurtle’s poll numbers are still in the lower 30’s I read recently. How hard can it be to find a decent candidate in all of Kentucky ffs?
She sounds like a fighter. Linking McTurtle to the failure of the Dotard’s campaign promises is a rather clever way to eviscerate him without attacking the Dotard too directly.
I think it’s common for challengers to focus on the do-nothing rethuglican senators instead of Trump himself. It’s a state-level election so going after Trump is not effective, especially for a red state.
Instead, she blamed McConnell for preventing Trump from carrying out the promises that led Kentuckians to vote for the President in the first place, such as lowering drug prices.
Yep. Rump and Yertle’s idea of dealing with exorbitant drug prices is to simply let the consumer know, in advance, what those prices are. Problem solved and the high prices remain as before. But now you know. You’re welcome.
I don’t really see how a “progressive” is going to take over this seat. That strikes me as a fool’s errand but hey, maybe this time.
Well a young progressive beat the snockers out of Pete Sessions after he had been in Congress since forever in Texas. Colin Alred is straight up progressive and ran on it and won big.
Except the State of TX is moving in a different direction than KY as a whole. It’s not just Alred but the whole demographic of TX is changing and appears to be more receptive to a different message. I don’t see that happening in KY anytime soon.
Amy McGrath should go LOW and start openly comparing her military service with Mitch’s. She should start inquiring just why McConnell was bounced from his military service, starting a smear campaign (which she floats above) implying Mitch is a sexual deviant, which I’m certain he is…and even if he isn’t!