Ex-Aide Will Publish Book On Mattis Efforts To Slow Roll Trump’s Worst Policies

A former top adviser to ex-Defense Secretary James Mattis is publishing a new book in October that will divulge some of Mattis’ efforts to slow roll President Trump’s most “controversial” policies, NBC News reported.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1245637

Guy “Bus” Snodgrass

You can’t make this shit up.


That was my exact same thought when I read that. Not sure how “Bus” is an improvement over “Guy”…


What this SHOULD do is add on to the mounting evidence of Trump’s existential threat. No person brought up in any American subculture should be comfortable with this.

But “should” and “are” don’t always match.

So here’s something else: it will not matter if Trump gets his way. Both Deplorables and those who fought them will all suffer the same fate: We all lose, because there is no sister earth, right along side us, empty and ready to be colonized.


Mattis decided to wait before writing his “tell all” book. Looks like he’s about to get “trumped” by Bus.
I’m not sure books explaining how major players thwarted Trump on the sly are necessarily helpful. They feed into Dear Leader’s paranoia and, I suspect, make him less willing to listen to advice from anyone other then family or Stephen Miller.

“From a safe distance, and at a future undisclosed date, I may say some pretty sharp things about the way things were handled in this administration. No one will question my brave patriotism in speaking out against these things after a book deal, and not while I had any way to influence or change things. Take that Sirrah!”

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Bus Snodgrass is probably the best naval aviator of his generation – a real “top gun,” as it were. He is not publishing this book without at least tacit approval from Mattis.

But will it make any difference to Republicans in DC or out there in “the base”? I doubt it.


I agree. The book described in this article is for the LIving:


By the way…I am surprised that this is not realized by more people. Even if the book is “independent” of Mattis, it would not be.