Every Freshman House Democrat Has Out-Raised Top Challenger

Every single freshman Democrat in the House has out-raised his or her top challenger so far. And that’s not all.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1238679

All the more reason for each Freshman and moderate Dem to support an impeachment inquiry. The only chance the GOP has to take the House is if Trump’s approval rating rises and the GOP is able to leverage Russian/foreign investment in cyberattacks targeting Dems to change news cycles and neutralize the Dems’ cash advantage.

It’s simple self-preservation to support an impeachment inquiry and empower Nadler, Schiff and Cummings to dig into the foreign interference issues, hold officials accountable, expose bad actors and inform the public. A woke electorate defeats the GOP.

In addition, an impeachment inquiry highlights corruption, which makes Trump less popular and crowds out his ability to highlight wedge issues to drive his share of the white vote up.


Great Job, Nancy.


This is wonderful news. We can help by contributing to sites like ItStartsToday and others like it where we can contribute to House and Senate races like these without the party apparatchiks making the decisions as to who is worthy.

The next step is voter registrations and making sure the GOP doesn’t screw around with deliberate mis-direction as far as polling places go. We know what’s happening - let’s do what we can to prevent it.


Indeed yes.


Great news especially those in red districts. Now, let’s get the Senate in play too.


building … and getting bigger …

Wave … anyone ? ? …


You sure? That all 39 flipped seats have been out-raising challengers may be an argument against impeachment, as they’re doing fine without that.

Quite possible that they won’t be doing as fine under an impeachment umbrella.


There’s obviously already significant awareness that the GOP is running amok, and that’s why people are opening their pocketbooks.

It’s especially critical to support an impeachment inquiry with Ratcliffe in line to ratf*ck elections security. There may be a limited window to stop all this corruption and creeping authoritarianism.


Exactly and I’m wondering if this enthusiasm for Dem House members can translate to Senators. I don’t know. Unfortunately, some people don’t make the connection, keep the same sc*mbags in their Senate seats and then wonder why the regime is able to steamroll democracy.



Donnie is a helluva fund raiser.

For Democrats.


I agree with you although the destruction of our country is a high price to pay for resurgent support for the Party.


That money advantage will be quickly eroded by Russian social media campaigns. Why would you allow that advantage to erode if you’re in a strong position? The only angle for the GOP is to use the propaganda platform w/outside help to damage Dems. Put an end to it now by supporting impeachment. Empower your committee chairs to go right at what the Russians are doing today to impact the 2020 election.


Now we just need to winnow the Dem Presidential field down to 4 or 5 candidates ASAP, rather then pissing away dollars on quixotic campaigns. Take those funds and put them in the Senate races.


My wish is that Hickenlooper and others running for the nomination decide to go for the Senate instead. The next debate may be the catalyst -a girl can hope.


Also too Ilhan, Alexandria, Ayanna and Rashida for raising the profile of all new house members and showing the electorate what political courage is all about.


The only angle for the GOP is to use the propaganda platform w/outside help to damage Dems. Put an end to it now by supporting impeachment.

I don’t understand your train of thought. Supporting impeachment isn’t going to change the GOP’s propaganda push IF certain parts of the electorate are already primed for it. The impeachment process isn’t a magic cure all; it won’t/can’t negate the ugliness that many Americans are susceptible to.


I think Democratic leadership may be underestimating the depth of Anti-Trumpism. These numbers aren’t because people are thrilled about all the bills that the House is passing and sending to the Senate to die, no there has to be something more going on. Anti-Trumpism has to be one of the biggest factors.


This is certainly promising

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