Even Fox News Is Tired Of Lindsey Graham’s Groveling For Donations | Talking Points Memo

“Oh, you were talking about the little people? Sorry.”.

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Is he still on the printed ballot? He must be if they are trying to get people to vote for him.

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Have you notice not a single one of these men (45*, Graham, McConnell) who are sad that ‘they’ hate us think for one solitary second that they aren’t being supported because most people hate them, and that maybe they should try to change from being thieves and liars - 'cause realar decent-type folk kinda don’t like that?


Most grateful for the thought but stop I made a kind of brunch and now I’m hungry again…

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My bad! :rofl:

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I’m very susceptible to sudden attacks of appetite, especially for stuff that’s not easily attainable. Years ago there was a restaurant in Philly called “Geechee Girl” that offered the low country stuff. Was there once, but it’s long closed. But I have a nephew who lives about three hours from Charleston, so maybe one day. In the meantime I can try on my own. :fried_shrimp: :crab:


I hear donations will be accepted by the Senator at the Charleston Bus Station’s mens room, stall 2 at 20 bucks per head.

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Honestly, going on tv and saying that people are donating to your opponent because they hate your guts doesn’t seem like the best campaign message. But that’s just me, I guess.


Being hated by liberals is a badge of honor to these people.


I’ve kept donating, but I unsubscribed from all the emails.

Also I noticed that when you donate through the Get Mitch or Die Trying campaign, you don’t get any emails unless you tell them to share your name. And it’s easier to donate to multiple candidates all in one place. (You can customize your amounts or spread it all out evenly.)

(ETA: though they’ve stopped collecting donations for Jaime because he’s got so much more than the others on their list right now…)


Yes, that was in Germantown. Closed four or five years ago. Same chef now owns and operates the EAT Café on Lancaster.



She has a degree from the Echo Chamber Princeton – if you’ll pardon my language.

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To riff on George Patton’s speech to soldiers preparing for combat deployment:

When this war is over you won’t have to tell your grandkids your only contribution was traveling shit in Louisiana.

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