Even Fox News Is Tired Of Lindsey Graham’s Groveling For Donations | Talking Points Memo

Two things about that:

  1. When the Lincoln Project says “Vote for one of us” … people (I won’t say who) should take care not to be fooled.

  2. Bledsoe left the race some weeks ago and endorsed “one of us.”

Bill Bledsoe, who had been running as the Constitution Party candidate seeking to block Graham from a fourth term, dropped out to endorse Graham, the Republican’s campaign told The Associated Press on Thursday.

“I appreciate Dr. Bledsoe’s support,” Graham said in a statement. “We agree on numerous issues like increasing the number of conservative judges on the bench, reducing the national debt, upholding the sanctity of life and having a strong military.”


Gee, Senator Graham, what ever happened to “use my words against me”? Maybe a lot of voters in SC will do just that. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya, as they say down South.


The Trump era seems to be characterized by an intensive search for people who do not have a best in them to be brought out. Most of them are then given a position in the administration.


You’ve put your finger on the egocentric assumption that everyone who eschews a mask is making: that the individual has no duty to others. Whether you are a Kantian or a Confucian that is just immoral, and yet people like Governor Noemi are holier than thou about doing so.


It’s hard to tell here whether he’s talking about Bill Bledsoe or Adolf Hitler.


Angela Merkel is a Kantian.

And Confucians are mostly Chinese.

Need I say more?

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Then more interesting. They posted the ad yesterday.


Feel free to swing by and I’ll make you some low country boil! :yum:


Operators are standing by!


It’s OK. I’d otherwise spend it on something I’d probably regret or put in a closet eventually. :ok_hand:


Just for completeness, then, here’s the AP story (October 1) about Bledsoe’s endorsement of Graham. (I’ve also modified my original comment to add the link.)

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If Graham is good with the GOP packing the courts with “conservative” ideologues he shouldn’t have any problem with a new Democratic majority government adding seats on the Supreme Court.

The deficit for FY 2019 was $984 billion. The CBO predicted that the COVID-19 pandemic would raise the FY 2020 deficit to $3.7 trillion. The CBO predicted the FY 2021 deficit to be $2.1 trillion.

Covid-19 deaths, 232,291 and rising.

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He’ll tell you that “increasing the number of conservative judges on the bench” is only fair – because it restores a balance!

Plus you’re talking about a Senator who doesn’t actually think he can be held accountable for what he says about appointments to the court.

As for their consuming interest in “reducing the national debt,” you made a point about deficits which they’ll defeat by ignoring it completely.

Same with their devotion to “upholding the sanctity of life” and the point you made about the way they have (not) handled the pandemic.


Using Dr. Bill Bledsoe to siphon votes away from Graham is an underhanded GOP dirty trick, and I’m glad the Lincoln Project is around to do it. But did you see their recent anti-Graham ad called “Pathetic”?

There is clearly no love lost between Steve Schmidt and Lindsey Graham.

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You are right Lindsey Graham, we hate your guts. We hate the guts of all slimy, gutless, bold face lying, hypocritical politicians. Don’t flatter yourself, you are just one among many.

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I hope campaigns make use of the time-honored local approach. At the smallest election district level use campaign funds to hire local party ward heelers to canvass just one block or two each, and assist every registered Democrat in getting to their polling place.

Send over a bunch of free frozen turkeys on Thanksgiving to be delivered to the little people and let them know “Government works for YOU!”, and you’ve got yourself a loyal voter for life! The old ways still work great!

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i love the sound of GOP sniveling and begging for votes and money on Fox. The smell of their flop sweat smells like victory.


Heh. Looks like Lindsey’s getting spitroasted.

“Oh, you were talking about the little people? Sorry.”.

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Is he still on the printed ballot? He must be if they are trying to get people to vote for him.

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