Even A Mostly Trump-Appointed Advisory Board Disagrees With Admin’s EPA Proposals

A panel of scientific advisers, the majority of whom were appointed by President Trump, are criticizing Trump administration environmental proposals, saying several new rules meant to rollback environmental regulations are at odds with established science, the Washington Post reported.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1282335

This panel will be disbanded by the end of the day.


And burned at the stake the day after.


“The reports they posted are draft and will be discussed at their next meeting,” an EPA spokeswoman told CNN. “The final commentary and reports will be developed soon after the public meeting and then sent to the administrator.”

In the interest of efficiency, the administrator has already prepared his remarks rejecting the report as a transparent political ploy of the Speaker of the House, Nasty Nancy Pelosi.


It gets tough in the mob boss ‘bidness when your bought-out experts won’t lie just like you told em’ to. Science is not kind to Trump. Like Truth has a liberal bias, science has a truthful bias. Makes it hard on serious liars.


As the sun rotates around the earth the scientists will be placed in a ship that will sail off the edge of the earth.


“The reports they posted are draft and will be discussed at their next meeting,” an EPA spokeswoman told CNN. “The final commentary and reports will be developed soon after the public meeting and then sent to the administrator.

The Deep State is everywhere, even disguised as Trump appointees on a panel of scientific advisors.


Just after Trump tweets that he “hardly knew them; in fact, never even met them!”


Rather within 24 hours they will claim the science is incorrect and therefore they made errors when they disagreed with the new rules. The documents after all are just draft documents and are therefore subject to change. Especially after the Koch Industries checks clear the bank having been delayed due to the holiday. Koch is after all an energy company and they are very interested with making sure the statement "Nation’s waters and does not support the objective of restoring and maintaining ‘the chemical, physical and biological integrity’ of these waters,” is factual.


Never pondered this before, but in Trumpspeak, “Deep State” really means “Rule of Law.”


It really is hard to dig deep enough in the muck to find people who meet Rumpian standards for stupidity and cravenness.


Somehow Trump EPA administrators don’t care that all water rolls down hill, taking shit and whatever else is in the water with it. Why do farmers and Trump EPA administrators hate Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana?


The only panel of scientists trump listens to sits their fat asses on the couch at fox & fiends. And he only thinks they’re scientists because one of them sometimes wears glasses.


I think this shows just how far outside the mainstream the GOP and its owners really are. Even their carefully vetted apparatchiks think they’re going too far. It’s the same as the way even a bunch of republicans on the white house staff think that the current level of corruption and criminality is too much.

The solution, of course, is even more extreme purity tests.


From an administration that probably thinks this UN emblem is a literal map –

why would a little science get in the way of destructive policy?


Of course they disagree. Now. You can bet that did all they could to refute the science behind clean water but there was no way to fix the politics behind dirty water. So agree with the science.

I’m a science guy. My first degree was in the pure science Zoology. Then a Masters in Molecular Biology and on from there. I’ve done cancer research ( breast and colon ), collagen extraction for vascular graft implants and veterinary work in the Amazon, Central America and Europe. Lots of science. From that I’ve learned there’s no hope in trying to change guys like Trump. He lives on marble floors and the only water he sees came from a gold plated spigot. He breathes air conditioned air and rarely is in the sunlight ( hence the white circles around the eyes on his tanning booth face ) and when he is it’s on a manicured, man made golf course. Fertilized, pesticide laden, raked and mowed. He has no clue about this fragile planet nor does he care to. He’s incapable of seeing himself and his billionaire buddies as in the balance too. In the last month near 500,000,000 animals have perished in wild fires across the southern part of Australia. Species like the Koala are approaching existential threat. Do you think Trump or the Australian wing nuts and big biz guys capable of giving a shit? Did that send them a message? No and they’ll conduct themselves as such. Climate change is a hoax.

My point: the man is 100% the wrong guy to make decisions or appoint those that make decisions about these things. He doesn’t care about them. He sees them as annoyances. Impediments to raking it in. This Board may have caught on though. If they don’t stop Trump they’ll go down with him when it all hits the fan. So they fell back on science as an excuse not a reason.


Maybe not bodily, but their reputations will be shredded and burned for sure.


A panel of scientific advisers, the majority of whom were appointed by President Trump, are criticizing Trump administration environmental proposals…

TRUMP: I don’t know these people…


I’m also coming from a science point of view-MS in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and over 30 years teaching science in public schools. I agree whole-heartedly. All of the people Trump has put in to place to make decisions about natural resources, environmental & human health issues, and scientific research/issues/credibility are tainted with the same shortsighted, profit-focused agendas.

I see it this way: although humans have the intelligence to solve complex problems and look at the big picture in systems, we have also evolved for short term decision making. It didn’t matter how much dried meat our ancestors had stored in the cave for the winter if they couldn’t get out of the way of the cave bear or the saber toothed cat. Similarly, there is an evolutionary pay-off to being greedy. So it’s easier to go for the short term pay-off and avoid solving the real problems until they become existential threats. (seems like Australia is reaching that point right now…)


Josh offered this definition the other day:

those “Deep State” figures who was familiar with the law and had a commitment to following it