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People currently in crisis all over the world including Hong Kong and Kashmir remember when the voice of the US president would have been heard over the voice of the tyrants.
Nah. Thoughts and prayers on a direct hit, thoughts and prayers.
Since general Mattis says that Trump has cognitive decline shouldn’t Eric be more worried about his fathers well being than having a Twitter war with a former Canadian prime minister?
To add a bit of perspective Kim Campbell was a Conservative Prime Minister. She succeeded Brian Mulroney who was wildly unpopular at the time he resigned and never really got the chance to do much of anything to overcome that unpopularity.
Small world, she was a graduate student in political science at the University of British Columbia at the same time I was. She was pretty bright for a conservative as her recent remarks suggest.
Not to be selfish but I would prefer Hurricane Dorian blow Eric.
It’s kind of sad that Canadian Women have more balls than American Men in taking on Trump.
Sign of the times I guess.
Well, my wife is hoping that Mar E. coli is right in Darian’s cross hairs, and that is not snark. As she said, the only thing that would make it better would be for the Mangoloid Menace to be in residence when the storm makes landfall.
She said out loud something that half the people in the US secretly wish, but think better about actually saying. Nobody wants the people around Mar a Lago to suffer. In our heads we see the place flattened, but nobody (OK, members are fair game) gets hurt. My secret thought is the Doral thing gets flattened as well and a random freak giant lightning bolt hits Trump Tower 1100 miles away with the whole fcuking family inside. What the hell. Why not?
“I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.” ~ Clarence Darrow
I live on the Texas Gulf Coast. I’ve personally sat out more than half a dozen hurricanes. Our house suffered serious damage in Harvey. I don’t wish harm on anyone.
But I would read with a certain schadenfreude - damage reports on Mar A Lago.
Just saying…
What happened to the well known Trump sense of humor?
Let me toss you some paper towels to mop up your tears.
I heard there was a lot of sand in the swimming pool.
Think of the money taxpayers will save not having to foot the bill every time King Pile-a-PooPoo heads there for a weekend.
The karma is delicious.
Sorry, kids. There’s always a fly in the GD ointment.
“Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand. They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different. ”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald, from his short story “The Rich Boy”
No matter which one is wiped out it will turn up as a yuge tax loss. Free demolition then rebuilt as condos for Russians.
POS. Eric‘s dysfunctional personality on display. Are you jealous of your brother by a different mother? We are all aware that your mother is jealous of Melania. I’m sure that Melania‘s son is approximately ahead 2 1/2 heads taller than you are at present and he is 11 years old, I’ll bet you’re jealous Just like your mother. And your deadbeat dad doesn’t seem to care much for Baron, Yep your brother by a different mother you’re jealous aren’t you? If you’re not worried about him you should be. His future looks bright because of his mother and yet yours down trodden hanging on for all your worth to daddy‘s coattails the worst president in our country‘s history dragging you down his rabbit hole with him, Darren won’t go there he will have nothing to do with it thanks to his mom too bad you had a mother you’ve got.
You may not but in this one case I am wishing total flattening and no FEMA money for him cuz he’s a billionaire
The power of Trump to bring out the absolute worst in people is pretty appalling when viewed remotely.
And dear old Dad will send Eric into the ICE detention facilities to recruit undocumented migrants with construction backgrounds so as to get his properties up and running in no time.