All that FEMA money that he just stole to apportion in building his imaginary border wall will be re-reapportioned back into FEMA if it hits any of his properties. Count on it. It will be a National Emergency only because it’s all for him.
I have never wished property damage on anyone, but I have read many property damage reports with great satisfaction.
Our family is rooting for the safety of millions of homes, businesses, families and wonderful people in a great State of Florida
FU Eric. Your family roots for no one other than themselves. Fact.
Nice of Trump to turn down that trip to Poland so he can be on hand to throw paper towels to members at Mar-a-lardo if needed.
I must admit that I take issue with Ms. Campbell as well. I am hoping Dorian will unload a double-barreled hit on both Mar a Grifto and Doral.
Except Trump will want FEMA money to rebuild.
That Great Red Spot is something ain’t it? Helluva view!
So the dumpies are rooting for the people of Florida. Here’s a suggestion guys - pay for buses to help move “your people” - the employees - out of the way of the storm. Provide shelter and food for them. For once, put your money where your assholes usually reside.
Oh, yes he did. It’s genetic.
Imagine the sense of relief that washed over 45 when he learned that he didn’t have to once again have people pack his bags including the giant size can of hairspray, then on landing find the nearest Mickey D’s all in order to “monitor” the hurricane from the safety of his bedroom at the WH…
Remember when 83% of Canadians had “confidence in the US president”? Three years ago. Good times.
Now 25%, Eric. You know what they say about karma, it rhymes with “ostentatious golf club on Florida’s easternmost barrier island.”
I am not convinced that The Donald is Eric’s father. Eric (Uday) is much brighter and well spoken than Donald Trump. I suspect his real dad is Big Bird.
Hit a nerve, did she?
If the hurricane had hit P.R. instead, that wouldn’t have bothered him much, except as another great opportunity to pander to his racist base by dumping on those brown Mexican-talking folks.
But his own property is at risk? Sound the alarm! Pull out all the stops! Screw Poland, one of the few NATO members to wholeheartedly embrace Trump, and their 80th anniversary of some boring history event or other. This is serious, we’re talking real estate.
Dear Dorian,
I’m grateful as hell that you gave Puerto Rico a miss. Now, if I could just ask for one more little thing?
Limbaugh also has Florida property. Hoping he gets wiped out, too.
It took the son of the man with a very, very large brain two days to come up with this anemic response. Good to know that your family is rooting for the safety of millions of homes, businesses, families and wonderful people in a great State of Florida. Strong hurricanes have a history of doing extensive damage in more than one state, so how does your family feel about the people in states where you don’t have any golf courses or hotels?
Great waterfront properties as well. Don’t let anyone tell you different. I’m building as we speak.
Oh lucky you Eric, did you draw the shortest straw giving you permission to speak this week. Poor Eric no one likes you Eric. You’re just like your dad.
Oh come on Eric tell us the truth about your deadbeat dad. What happened to your cousin you know your uncle passed his son didn’t he pass over to the other side due to Donald Trump and his actions of cutting medical help because he was a seriously injured child he was seriously ill. And now he’s doing the same to some of the children that were invited to our country to get medical help because they were terminally ill and there . He’s committing the same sin against these poor children and their families that he committed about and to your cousin Donald Trump’s brother’s son who is now from what I understand passed over to the other side due to Donald Trump. You’re a piece of crap just like your dad.
It may hit and it may not. The only thing for certain is that, either way, Trump will apply for disaster relief.