EPA Officials React To Trump Toilet Rant | Talking Points Memo

… and “stock market is starting to look very good to me.”


One flush on 11/4 should be enough.


Hey, if you live by the Tweet, then you’ll surely die by the Tweet.

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These folks will be purged in 3,2,1…


FIFY! :wink:


Yea but I would love to flush it in.

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They are most likely emptying their desks as we speak.

When all this is over, I hope the EPA gets all the revenge to its’ desire.

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‘‘Trump Toilet Rant’’

Trump has the emotional maturity of a spoiled seven-year-old, so this comes as no surprise.


It’s all good fun until the the NPD monster in the White House demands the heads of these disloyal Trump employees and whips up some stochastic terrorism against them and their families on Twitter and Fox.

Wait and watch.


He has repeated this rant at Trumpenberg rallies - probably all of them.


Nope. Did not Tweet this according to Trump Twitter Archive (and Snopes- a good site)

We have to keep it clean.

When you’ve lost the Ty-D-Bol Man, Donnie…



He is a national f**king embarrassment of a President.


Veronica Blette, the FORMER chief of WaterSense in the EPA’s Office of Wastewater Management,



Considering he has zero ability to think critically, and no original thought has ever dawned within his cranium… imagine just how far down the rabbit hole he truly is. Where in the hell does he come up with the shit he spews out of his Quarter Pounder hole? He must be in the deepest of Deep State fishing holes. And he is the State!!! Holy cow, imagine what his browser history could tell us.

(or don’t)
(or do. after all, that’s how Putie keeps him in line!)

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" [Dow falls 1,191 points – the most in history"
That will FOREVER be Trumps legacy besides being impeached.

" You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.

Abraham Lincoln"


The Dow is down a little over 11% in three days…it was overdue for a correction, this appears to be the impetus that is going to push it. And, each day has brought more news of the virus spreading, and as it spreads more things shut down…we’re looking at major tourist drawbacks, conferences shutting down, maybe the Olympics if this is still going on in a few months. This is the kind of thing that makes businesses pull back, that makes people quit buying things, and both will cause our economy to slow down…if the panic sets in it really will hurt Trump’s chances.

We’ll have to wait and see what happens, but the moves by the administration are all about stemming the panic so he gets elected again, not to keep Americans safe.

As for the EPA employees, they all appear to be civil servants, so Trump cannot outright fire them. They can try to pressure them to resign, reassign them, but even those kinds of things have limits…and anything they try to pull now is likely to become public. The scientists in the government are fed up with the shenanigans, that was obvious with the hurricane nonsense and it’s obvious in these messages…and, us scientists have no problem speaking our minds when pushed. The political appointees are playing with fire if there is any blowback to the EPA due to this.


Number 45 is what you do when your diet consists of nothing but cheeseburgers, burnt steak, mashed cauliflower hidden in mashed potatoes, marshmallows, and Diet Coke. Number 45 actually does require 10 to 15 flushes to take care of business. Number 45 is no trifling matter.


People didn’t actually explode.

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