Eliot Engel, chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, demanded Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s presence at an Iran hearing on Jan. 29 after America’s top diplomat skipped the last one.
I still can’t believe this is the place we’ve gotten to. They just keep thumbing their noses at the laws of the land.
Pompeo skipped the public hearing in favor of a trip to California, where Pompeo delivered remarks on U.S.-Iranian relations at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute.
So is it time to make an amendment or law to compel executive branch officials to appear when requested? I mean a subpoena is technically that, but it requires enforcement by the executive branch. Clearly, a mechanism with more teeth is required that doesn’t rely on the executive. (Any obvious unintended consequences?). Realistically, the admin would take the 5th or cite privilege, but at least they’d have to sit there and actively do it.
The Republicans are morons for going along with this stuff…the next Democratic president is going to be able to point at the Trump administration and say that “Trump did this, I’m doing it too”, and Republicans will end up just as frustrated as Democrats. That’s not a way to run the government, for either party…Congress must have vigorous oversight over the executive in order to make sure it is following the law. Even seven Benghazi hearings, as much BS as that was, are better than no oversight at all, and Republicans are taking us in a direction where no oversight will become the norm, and that way lies chaos and the end of the republic (as shown by the current administration).
Another example of the Imperial Presidency at work. It’s further evidence of Trump &Co.’s disdain for even the idea of congressional oversight. Congress needs to be challenging these practices at every turn.