Twitter CEO Elon Musk reportedly said the social media platform’s recent decision to label NPR as a “state-affiliated media” account might not have been accurate during a series of emails he exchanged with an NPR reporter earlier this week.
“We apologise for the incorrect labeling of state-affiliated media accounts. Those responsible have been sacked.”
“We apologise again, this time for the incorrect correction of mislabeled state-affiliated media accounts. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.”
“The labeling of state-affiliated media accounts now has been completed, in an entirely different style at great expense, and at the last minute.”
Who would have thought that if, instead of treating the complex problem of state interference with your social media platform seriously and trying to develop procedures and standards, you decided that a rich imbecile could just “call ‘em as he sees ‘em”, things might be completely ruined?
Elon Musk is a South African tech twit who got rich by being lucky. He got richer by trading in US government tax credits. He doesn’t know much about much of anything expecially the United States.
Wealth is an intoxicant, conveying a false sense of privilege, genius, intelligence, self-importance, invincibility, and unparalleled wisdom. By my estimation, there are a lot of such drunks on the scene.