Elon Gives House GOP A Little Incentive For Helping The Executive Defy The Judiciary

Yup. Not the brightest bunch in the country. Lawyers are often the guys who could not get past calculus, or organic chemistry, so they ended up in law school.

Justice Roberts and his cronies should have figured out a long ago that an ignorant criminal populist who never went to class when civics was on the the syllabus, would be a real problem in the Presidency.

Now that it’s happened TWICE I think they are having second thoughts -at least Justices Roberts and Barrett. Hopefully they can find a way to slow Trump and Elon down before they burn the whole thing down.

The Judiciary is really exposed right now - much more so than the Congress. Their complete impotence could be in full display shortly.

The problem for all of us, is once the Judiciary is shown to be irrelevant, the law is no constraint on ANYONE. The ensuing state becomes anarchy, mob rule reins and the burning down of Tesla dealerships is just the beginning of what could be a second American revolution.

“What have you done for ME lately ?” is becoming an American anthem, and it is especially threatening for anyone in government - but particularly those in power. If the organized ways of keeping the peace and managing the fact that We the People are sovereign are intentionally abandoned, (in a Nation of 330M who have never lived under a tyrant and who collectively owned over 400M firearms), then things can spin out of control quickly. Imagine a hundred year civil war characterized by guerilla tactics and terrorism - that is what a fascist regime would face in America. It would be damn bloody and pretty ugly.


I’m waiting for:

 A national abortion ban.
 A national ban on birth control.
 A national ban on marriage equality.
 A national ban on contraceptives.

After the past two months, we’re in for much worse.


Yes, I encourage the House to waste their time impeaching these judges. Since conviction and removal requires a two thirds vote in the Senate, the House will just be wasting their time instead of passing legislation that will hurt the country.


Yup. And a couple of days ago I was thinking of my late wife. Who many Hivers know was paralyzed in a catastrophic downhill ski racing training run.

I never heard her complain. Just plug ahead.

From CF-DJT? Born into wealth, complaining every single day how he has been picked on and abused his entire life. “Nobody has faced…”

What a … ( ) Fill in the blank of your choice.


Looks more demented the more I see him.


Since they are not doing anything and have surrendered all power to the White House, they have time on their hands for performance art.

Try not to think of Bobert when you think “performance art.”


But it’s pure organic BS. No artificial fertilizer with chemicals that may upset the anti-vax nutter.

These People really believe this, and they are incapable of accepting outside evidence. When confronted with a reality that destroys a lifetime of beliefs they will make a million excuses reather then face the truth. Because the truth is way too painfull.

…Still, Bartell doesn’t blame Trump for his administration’s expanded anti-immigration efforts.

“He didn’t create the system, but he does have an opportunity to improve it…


Time for the DOGGIE Dunning-Krueger Bois to bull their way in and kick them all out, fire their staffs, and sell the Capitol Building right out from under them.

Oh, and halt those cushy salaries. When the Congress has given up all its powers to the Conman in Chief, they’re no longer needed. They’re just an expense, an example of waste.


Love at first sight!


the $6,600 donation

Money is not speech. Bribery is a crime.


Face successfully eaten and then he asks the Leopard if he wants some more. :man_shrugging:


I’m surprised TX is going after midwives. There are religious fundamentelist communities that use midwives all the time as ‘wimmin’s bidness’ and not having to bring doctors in to communities who might raise eyebrows at some of the goings on.


In what way? Getting lots of complaints? So what? What price have they paid?


I don’t understand why, when he had his jaw reshaped, they didn’t give him more of a chin. Although that’s not the only thing he needs. A soul would be even better.


I honestly thought TCF would be the worst part of a second term; I had no idea he would turn the destruction of the government over to a ketamine-addled billionaire. It just gets worse every day…


Exactly, they want to cut everyone else in Government’s pay and benefits, except…


How many of these reps and senators are attorneys? There must be at least a few of them. They know how to behave in the courtroom. Throwing that aside to be a MAGA. I worked in civil courthouse for 22 years and very rarely saw attorneys behave the way they are during this maladministration.

This country is being ruined. I hate what is happening and hate those who are doing it. Never realized how many stupid people live in this country. Wondering if the three special education teachers in my family will be hurt because of the closing of Dept of Education. One of them is paying off college debt.


So Musk as a contractor AND govt employee is allowed to donate to campaigns? As a govt employee he can, but he’s a contractor as well. Seems that’s a little over the ethical line for the Republicans to accept max contributions from a contractor.


Just about everything going on is over the ethical line and by more than just a little.


And what will anyone do about it? Bupkis.