Draft Overturning Roe Quotes Infamous Witch Trial Judge With Long-Discredited Ideas On Rape

Can we also discuss that a lot states contract out adoptions to Religious based organizations? That if you’re gay-no way. They might have finally come around to single adults adopting children, but it wasn’t allowed for a long time.


Momentum is building. Now, will that momentum carry through to November (please, G-d)???


Lots of older looking folks there. Good sign.


Could it be that Alito is even more of a dumbass than Thomas?

The Supreme Court of The United States is corrupt and a sick joke.


Nor to what? Don’t leave me hanging, sir.

I sincerely want to see no less than 70% turnout across the country in November. Or higher.

Time for folks that are to stop sitting out.


I remarked on that to my husband just now - yes. That is a good sign.


It’s actually a few weeks short of 6 years but too long either way.


I was glad to see this article, since reference was made previously to Alito quoting from someone who sentenced “witches” to death. The eminent jurist, Matthew Hale, had evidently a great mind, and his writings were extremely influential, including his opinions on the position of married women, rape, and witchcraft, his treatment of marital rape being discarded in Britain only in 1991. Meanwhile in America you’d think that jurisprudence would have progressed a bit in circa 350 years. I hope that Alito’s monstrous opinion will lead to the doctrine of constitutional “originalism” being thoroughly discredited. It may be a blessing that it has been exposed at this time to public scrutiny.


No! It was bloody Ralph Nader, who sucked about 5% of the vote away from Gore in his vanity run. That led directly to 100’s of thousands of dead Iraqis, and soon to 1000’s of dead US women. One of the many turning points in my lifetime that made this country increasingly worse.


Missing from the Hale conversation, because the spousal rape and witchcraft are so hard to ignore, is his opinion about abortion - that is it a crime when the child is “quick.” This is, to put it bluntly, a centuries-old version of Roe, choosing a time during pregnancy when the potential life of the child was sufficient to overcome the interest of the mother. If Alito actually followed Hale as a precedent, he would conclude that Common Law (as it did) allowed abortion prior to quickening (approximately 20 weeks) for centuries, rendering his entire opinion the disingenuous trash that it is.


Actually I blame Sandra Day O’Connor. But as Hamlet said, the fault, my dear Horatio, is not in the stars, but in ourselves, including the millions who voted for W.


A truly repulsive decision by a court that has two credibly accused men who whined and lashed out at their female accusers. And then you have Alito who hates anyone who isn’t a white male. Corporations may be people according to the same crew but women are not. Unfortunately the Supreme is now full of liars and a simpering female enabler who is so ignorant that she believes safe havens solve the need for abortions. Hale lives in the words and deeds of powerful men who believe like the Rump that they can do anything they want to women and their enabling equally repulsive female admirers. That’s you: Ginni Thomas and you Amy Coney Barrett.


You should comment more often, well done!


This is good. Defenders of “Roe” need to bring this up. That it isn’t the so-called “moment” of conception that should count.

FWIW, I think the Jewish version requires that the baby actually be born and draw breath.


Many cultures don’t even name the child for a few weeks after it’s born because it could die, I remember that from college a million years ago.


My general view from looking at polling is that a lot of Biden disapprovers had started to return to the Dem fold in April following the end of the pandemic phase, talk about student debt relief in some form, the Biden response to Russia’s invasion of UKR, and the start up of the primary season. You just have people more engaged now because it’s an engaging time and Biden got folks their freedom back, for real. Then the Alito opinion broke just as that thawing trend for Dems is happening.

The leaking of the Alito opinion has supercharged the electorate. They’re now highly engaged. Women around this country (as well as socially liberal minded men) can really feel in their bones that the far right is out to police our lives by any means necessary. They all believe that birth control, interracial marriage, marriage equality, decriminalization of drug offenses are all fair game now.

I wouldn’t buy any poll that indicates low turnout or higher GOP differential turnout margins.

We will have a very high midterm turnout, but the culture war issues cut a bit more in the Dems’ favor than is typical.

In addition, I think today’s economic news was also strong for the Biden economy and throws some cold water on ‘recession’ talk. The economy is healthy, like maybe the healthiest we’ve seen in over 50 years. It’s being driven by manufacturing. Consumers actually do have a lot of substitutes or alternatives for goods and services that have been impacted by inflation, even gas. We’re doing a lot more telecommuting, adoption of EVs & hybrids are higher. Apart from the political rhetoric, the public is generally shrugging off inflation worries if you look at the jobs, income, and consumer spending data. Wages are higher.

The other thing I’m observing is that the GOP was not up in the generic ballot high enough to withstand a Dem resurgence supercharged by something like the Alito draft opinion. They were always only up in the R+2 to R+3 range and a lot of the polls in the 538 vault are GOP polls which have turnout assumptions that assume higher GOP enthusiasm and participation. I think we can throw all of that out the window.

We’re looking at a very tight race in the Congressional ballot with an upside for the Ds if you assume that there is no real significant difference in turnout levels between Ds and Rs and if you think Indies may well lean a bit Dem on cultural issues, because the reality of how people feel about their economic status is pretty positive no matter what the polls say. We can see it in the data.

So Dems should feel energized and get engaged. 2022 just became as important and existential as 2020.


Yes I have just been informed on another thread that abortion is legal in Saudi Arabia up until about 120 days after conception - about 4 months. That’s about the time of quickening.

Saudi Arabia is more modern and more compassionate than the GOP and the SCOTUS.


Hale particularly despaired of the changes he saw in young women, writing, “And now the world is altered: young gentlewomen learn to be bold” and “talk loud.”

"What?!? Not in the quiet rooms!"


It is the candidate’s job to gather votes pwasu.

They are not “owed”. Gore ran a shitty campaign, and had baggage due to his wife (PMRC).

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