Don’t Buy The Spin: The House Process To Resolve The Iowa 2 Election Is Working Properly

Republicans have cast the contested election in Iowa’s second district as one of their outraged talking points this week, painting a House process to resolve the dispute as a long con by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to steal a congressional seat.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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“Right now as we speak, Speaker Pelosi and Washington Democrats are literally trying to overturn a state-certified election here in Congress,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Thursday, adding: “You don’t often see hypocrisy this blatant and this shameless so quickly.”

Mitch is such a drama queen. As for the “quick blatant hypocrisy” I think he’s jealous of their efficiency.


IIRC, Al Franken’s first election to the Senate wasn’t resolved for 7-plus months.

For the GOP, every Dem effort to assert power is a howl-at-the-moon event.
It’s quite tedious, really.


So, let me see if I understand this. Candidate in contest for a House seat uses completely legal mechanism to challenge an exceedingly close election. Said mechanism has always been available and the Constitution expressly stipulates that the House is allowed to adjudicate who is allowed to be seated.

Screeching drama queen who bulldozed through every Senate precedent to gain maximum advantage over his opponents, and who used his power to ensure the Senate would not act on any number of measures desired by the electorate has a public temper tantrum.

In other breaking news, the sun rose in the east again today.


Mitch McConnell/Kevin McCarthy = Edgar Bergen/Charlie McCarthy


Another day, another fake GQP drama.


In Franken’s case, however, it took that long for the state to certify, and no one was seated during that time.


Fox News is a blight on the Republic. Other networks should run regular prime-time features (“Fox Follies”) showing how they twist the facts. Unfair and unbalanced.


The difference is that Charlie will frequently sass back to Edgar.


I get that it was a state issue then. Whether state or federal, there are procedures available in close races that take time to unfold.


Once again, barely mentioned by media or the Democrats - who should be all over the airwaves with this - they already have a Republican claim in front of them from someone who lost by 5,300 votes. (It is mentioned in this story but needs to be prominent everywhere. )


Congress is

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Oberweis is one of the biggest a-holes to ever infest Illinois. And that’s a long list. And it should be noted that he is challenging the election primarily because he was defeated by the fabulous Lauren Underwood, who just happens to be (wait for it) a black woman.


I think what I am enjoying the most is watching the idiot Rs be in the minority with nothing to do but whine like the little children they are.

McCarthy is monumentally stupid and it becomes more obvious every time he speaks.

McConnell is the devil but he knows all the bullshit in the world isn’t going to work. He may just have to finally do his job, or quit.


Absolutely. 9 months out of six-year term is bad enough, but 6 months out of two is really egregious.


They are raising money first, and poisoning the well second. That is what they do. We have to stop reacting to bad faith, steel ourselves to their ploys and push forward.


I fully agree on all counts. From Illinois myself and family still lives there. On election night, he declared victory before the absentee ballots were counted and now wants 39,000 votes thrown out.

Hey, just following dear leader, right?


For years Democrats responded to illegitimate Republican power plays with “why do they treat us like this? What did we do wrong?” Now the sea change has come and the Democrats’ reaction is to see their abuser for the abuser they are. In the real world when that happens, the abuser either stops abusing or goes on a murderous rampage. We see warning signs of murderous rampage.


It seems that in 1969 Mitch was in DC working as an aide to Sen Marlow Cook. He was right there when the Federal Contested Elections Act was passed in 1969. I thought elephants and turtles had long memories?



Dum and Dummer have put the house they bought from Daddy’s sister less than three years ago for 18.5mil on the market. Asking price is 49mil. It’s across the street from Mar-a-lago and would probably flood in a cat-1 hurricane.