“Inspired by some of the most fierce warriors who fought in nearly 200 years of epic conflicts known as the Crusades,” a description from the company reads. “This lower honors the warrior mindset. Technology evolves, warriors never change.”
Hey Don Jr., since you think you’re such a “warrior” and identify with the “warrior mindset” so much, we can expect you to immediately enlist and volunteer to go fight in the war your father is trying so hard to start. Right? Right?
They’ll even give you a fully automatic rifle and hand grenades, which you should love since you like killing things so much. Sure, you can’t mount Iranians’ heads on your trophy wall, and they will shoot back unlike your usual prey, but that’s all part of the fun, right? Right?
I mean this would be a sad display of how severely his dad damaged him growing up, but the base eats this up because they think he’s ‘owning the libs’. And that would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
Can anyone tell from the photo when or where this was taken? It seems odd that the little Trump turd is in a t-shirt in January. (unless it’s Florida, in which case that state doesn’t care who has guns)
Divorced guy, son of thrice divorced guy, wants to talk up the Crusades at the same time we killed Iran’s top general?
Unless he’s planning to join the military with that thing -and even if he is -he should shut his damn mouth while real American patriots go to the ME and put their lives on the line to clean up his daddy’s mess.
My advice: stick to what you know best, killing endangered animals. Actually, no. Don’t do that either, you blithering idiot.
Let me see if I have this straight. Drooling Don the Dad (aka the IMPOTUS) attacks an Iranian general in Iraq, and Drooling Don the Younger sports an assault rifle with Crusader markings and a picture of Drooling Dad’s former political rival. Somebody needs psychological help, or at least involuntary commitment for evaluation.