President Donald Trump’s eldest son, Don Jr., tried to falsely downplay the COVID-19 death rate in the U.S. on Thursday night.
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President Donald Trump’s eldest son, Don Jr., tried to falsely downplay the COVID-19 death rate in the U.S. on Thursday night.
“If it’s not me, it’s not a problem.”
“We understand how it works.” Really?
No Don Jr! You are almost nothing. The Hunter story is next to nothing. But corona is still very much present: Yesterday in 88.521 new cases.
The GOP platform in a nutshell.
Remember when the right had apoplectic conniptions when Obama told them they could keep their doctors?
This isn’t even in the same universe.
All of us, combined, are almost nothing to that prick.
only focusing on infection rates instead of the death toll.
Funny how you can’t have one without the other.
The lies have become so brazen. Im expecting them to announce that Glorious Leader will erradicate COVID by 02Nov, when the vaccine becomes available for all swing states…
It won’t arrive. Antifa will blow up the RR supply lines.
That’s why people call him a giant dildo.
In a normal year, there are approximately 7, 500 deaths/day. Adding 1, 000 to that is around a 13% increase. That type of increase is huge and far beyond what you would see in a bad flu year, for example. Moreover, deaths are not the while story. Plenty of those who don’t die are left with serious aftereffects and we have no idea how long-lasting these may be,
If they really understood how this virus works, Trump wouldn’t have gotten it, Pence wouldn’t have gotten it, and there wouldn’t be superspreader events where people are getting it. Maybe they do understand and just don’t care.
It is hard to believe there are stupider people than DJT, but then there they are, Don Jr and the enablers on FOX.
I don’t believe Dotard ever had it. That’s the real hoax.
For someone of his age and condition, he “recovered” entirely too quickly.
That, and it was too much like work and no one was willing to put in the effort. Besides it effected the blue states hardest early on, now they all in regardless of who’s dying.
Medical opinions from Don “Too stupid to be charged with a crime” Trump Jr…
Don Jr. is spouting what right-wingers are already telling themselves–the real numbers to watch are hospitalizations and deaths (without caring much about either). Had a Ph.D.-holding Trump voter (in 2016, I don’t know about 2020) scoff at infection rates in the past 10 days. He said he thought we should let Covid rip through America, that it had already done its worst.
This makes perfect sense. And the sycophants surrounding Trump are just corrupt enough to help him pull the illusion off. Or maybe since 2016, I’ve come to believe there is no bottom to which Republicans will not stoop. Please let it end soon!
It will likely get over half a million before it has done it’s worst.
Perhaps he can spend more time with Glenn Greenwald discussing all the lies Dems have told about his dad, seeing as he just quit yet another media organization, this one The Intercept, which he co-founded, over yet another spat in which it’s either his way or the highway. He chose he highway.
Apparently the article he wasn’t allowed to publish ON HIS OWN NEWS SITE was about yet more unsubstantiated lies about Biden. Dafuk happened to the guy who used to hate RW pols and media outlets and regularly take apart their lies?
October 29 2020, 3:32 p.m.
Glenn Greenwald’s decision to resign from The Intercept stems from a fundamental disagreement over the role of editors in the production of journalism and the nature of censorship. Glenn demands the absolute right to determine what he will publish. He believes that anyone who disagrees with him is corrupt, and anyone who presumes to edit his words is a censor. Thus, the preposterous charge that The Intercept’s editors and reporters, with the lone, noble exception of Glenn Greenwald, have betrayed our mission to engage in fearless investigative journalism because we have been seduced by the lure of a Joe Biden presidency. A brief glance at the stories The Intercept has published on Biden will suffice to refute those claims.
The narrative Glenn presents about his departure is teeming with distortions and inaccuracies — all of them designed to make him appear as a victim, rather than a grown person throwing a tantrum. It would take too long to point them all out here, but we intend to correct the record in time. For now, it is important to make clear that our goal in editing his work was to ensure that it would be accurate and fair. While he accuses us of political bias, it was he who was attempting to recycle the dubious claims of a political campaign — the Trump campaign — and launder them as journalism.
We have the greatest respect for the journalist Glenn Greenwald used to be, and we remain proud of much of the work we did with him over the past six years. It is Glenn who has strayed from his original journalistic roots, not The Intercept.