Donald Trump Jr. isn’t sweating the comments he made last month amid growing fears surrounding the coronavirus outbreak.
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Donald Trump Jr. isn’t sweating the comments he made last month amid growing fears surrounding the coronavirus outbreak.
He knows that word?
I’m sure someone had to correct his pronunciation from HYPERBOWL to HYPERBOLEE.
I agree. Let’s call it Trumpvirus.
That’s a mighty big word, goober. Where you learn that?
I know that Jr. had at least one class in Freshman English where straw man arguments and post hoc reasoning were discussed. Maybe he learned the lesson all too well and feels he can deploy fallacies to his advantage.
LEts CALL it OBAMAVIRus becaUSe this IS all OBama’s FAULT.
Trump Jr. went on to argue that he is “entitled to speak with hyperbole” because that “drives home the point of what I’m saying.”
His hyperbole definitely drives home a point, but not the one he’s trying to make.
Little Donnie Jr. is so angry at being irrelevant that he may have to go out and shoot an endangered species.
He’s pretty sure his fingers were crossed too.
LibTARDS hate to WIn. THAT is whY they HATE TRUMP and PRAY foR MILLIONS to Die, MOstly REPUBLIcans so that theY and their MILLIONS of ILLEGAL minions CAN win the ELECtion. Sick!
THEy also want HIGHer gas prices.
Paging Charles Darwin…
Certainly isn’t a coincidence that it shows up just in time to derail the economy ahead of the 2020 election.
Hillary will do anything to take him down.
The only SENSIBLE person, other THAN me, ON this MEssage page.
I’m entitled to hope the loud click of his misfiring rifle is perceived by mama-bear as a threat to her cubs.
The utterings and doubling down of a self-righteous prick. Remind you of anyone??
Trump Jr. went on to argue that he is “entitled to speak with hyperbole stupidity” because that “drives home the point of what I’m saying my birthright.”
I never knew Digit jr was a hyperbolist.
So, so clever by Nero Jr. While Daddy fiddles and diddles the Globe figuratively burns. *ssholes.
He’s almost as much of a “genius” as his father. Almost…