Dolly Parton turned down former President Donald Trump’s efforts to bestow on her the Presidential Medal of Freedom on two occasions.
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Dolly Parton turned down former President Donald Trump’s efforts to bestow on her the Presidential Medal of Freedom on two occasions.
Dolly Parton is a national treasure, hands down.
Can you blame her?
No one on earth deserves it more than Dolly Parton. I have never seen a bad word said about her
Just look at the way she acts when she hears people sing her songs, and the reactions from the people after hearing her. She just brings joy and happiness to so many people
She should get a Presidential Medal of Freedom for turning down 2 Medals of Freedom from Donald Trump.
So much talent, wisdom, kindness…and sass…in such a small package.
Love this woman. I hope she will accept it from Biden later in the Administration. Or at least, accept it from Pres. Harris a little down the road.
I think her excuses were genuine, though also fortunate. I don’t think she would want to be within arm’s length of the serial sexual assaulter.
Why would a true American take anything from Trump?
Only suckers and losers would accept any award from Trimp.
Talk about class!
No wonder everyone loves her!
Something given away cheaply is cheap. Good for her.
Dolly is the best…and why would she want to take a medal from TRUMP who obviously wanted to ‘use’ her? Everything he touched is tainted.
She apparently felt she wasn’t a good enough golfer.
That seemed to be T****'s threshold of worthiness.
Well played, Ms. Parton.
The physics of that much good and that much antigood in close proximity is frightening.
Well done
Good for her!
Trump didn’t do enough advance planning with this one.
Trump devalued that award to the level of a trinket but now that his stench will be off it she should accept it. She’s an American treasure.
Except for the fact that The Medal of Freedom was another victim of ETTD
He totally debased it
Needs to be redone as something else like the United States Presidential Medal of Honor
Dolly is a downright Goddess here in East Tennessee.
I happen to know the person who helps her select the books for her Imagination Library, and that person would walk through fire on broken glass to do anything Dolly asked her to do.
Dolly is a genuinely nice, genuinely humble person, despite her wealth and fame.
She spreads both around to help others, and America could do with more people like her.