DOJ Reveals Some Of Trump’s Most Over-The-Top Claims In Mar-a-Lago Case

From his own comments (“show your evidence”), I’d guess he’s just making clear that if either side is going to make a claim, it has to be a specific claim. While it may be true that Trump himself can’t exert executive privilege, until he points to a specific document and says that document right there is protected by executive privilege, Dearie won’t rule on the claim.

There’s some hypothetical possibility that indeed a document might be something the current WH wants to claim executive privilege over. While that’s highly improbable, I don’t think it’s completely impossible. And even if it’s impossible, Dearie doesn’t want to say that on his own initiative. He wants to limit his role to resolving specific disputes


I’d love to know more about this. I think Idaho and North Dakota are close too.


Law means little to trump when it is inconvenient. Doing the absurd of stating executive privilege against the executive branch ought to get trump on the wrong side of the special master
Trump has no evidence on his side. Cold fact is he took documents, 50+ boxes of them, and he did it illegally. That should not be forgotten.


"Democrats need to take seriously the idea that a kind of pro-Russia axis. or at least an axis loosely allied with what you might call a developing right wing authoritarian internationale of autocrats, strongmen and illiberal democracies, is taking hold insode the GOP." - Greg Sargent

I believe this…and I can’t believe that I believe this.


War is full of dangerous choices
I for one would not stop aid to Ukraine. Letting the murdering bully that is Putin have his way is utterly wrong and indefensible. It’s the coward’s way.


We wait.
No one is trying this shit and getting away with it.


O/T but this is probably the last story that will be posted today.

California and Gavin need to do better. And the biggest problem is found in this quote:

Louisiana is the only state so far to have its proposed amendment draw organized opposition, over concerns that the replacement language may make matters worse. Even one of its original sponsors has second thoughts — Democratic Rep. Edmond Jordan told The Times-Picayune/The New Orleans Advocate last week that he’s urging voters to reject it.

The nonprofit Council for a Better Louisiana warned that the wording could technically permit slavery again, as well as continue involuntary servitude.

Louisiana’s Constitution now says: “Slavery and involuntary servitude are prohibited, except in the latter case as punishment for a crime.” The amendment would change that to: "Slavery and involuntary servitude are prohibited, (but this) does not apply to the otherwise lawful administration of criminal justice.”

“This amendment is an example of why it is so important to get the language right when presenting constitutional amendments to voters,” the nonprofit group said in a statement urging voters to choose “No” and lawmakers to try again, pointing to Tennessee’s ballot language as a possible template.

Supporters of the amendment say such criticisms are part of a campaign to keep exception clauses in place.

“If this doesn’t pass, it will be used as a weapon against us,” said Max Parthas, state operations director for the Abolish Slavery National Network.


For profit prisons must be burned to the ground.


I just read Nicole Lafond’s editorial and a bunch of the texts that came out of the text dump from Kelly Loeffler, former GA senator. If anyone, anywhere, ever finds a sentence in one of these Republican text dumps that asks if it would be good for the country or whether some scheme was the right and/or ethical thing to do, please alert me, because all I ever see is statements and plans that are amoral, corrupt and frequently downright criminal. Jeezus fucking Christ these people have lost the way. These people make mob bosses look principled.


Well worth watching.


I believe the phrase ‘appeasement’ needs to be brought back and attached to these republican authoritarians


Well the comment concerning California’s prisons made it sound like that the inmates in state prison would have to be paid minimum wage. So I don’t think this is all on for profit prisons. But can’t CA legislature come up with prison wage?

He is the master of judicial delay. Works in civil suits, not so sure with criminal indictments.


I thought the same thing. She is feeling the heat. It surprises me that she cares.


If Dearie had one shred of integrity he’d quit. But, he doesn’t. Just another MAGAT lickspittle.

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Give someone enough rope, and they will hang themselves.

Please, make it true.


Also OT (and sorry if it was covered elsewhere) but Lindsey loses his bid to stay Fulton County (GA) grand jury proceedings for which he was served with subpoena (presumably to inquire into calls he had placed to GA election officials after the election), pending disposition of his appeal on the merits: the 11th Cir rules that he has not shown a likelihood of success on the merits of his appeal from the District Court’s partial quashal:

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Note that the District Court had recognized that informal investigative activities by a legislator could be protected Speech or Debate, but acknowledged dispute over whether that was what Graham was doing; further, it had identified three categories of activity - communications and coordination with the Trump campaign regarding its post-election efforts in Georgia, public statements regarding the 2020 election, and efforts to “cajole” or “exhort” Georgia election officials - which were not investigative, and not protected legislative activity, and so the subject of questioning. The Court of Appeals agreed.

Hate to have to mention it, but two of the judges were TFeloniousG appointees.


We can just leave it at that. Law-breaking is a manifestation of his narcissism. He cannot not do illegal things.


Trump is toast.


It’s my understanding that Miss Lindsey’s “cajoling and exhorting” usually involves sensible heels, fishnet hosiery, a couple of Ben Wa balls (a full handful!) and a lot of pleading.