Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced on Friday that he was launching a review of the DOJ’s role in preparing for and responding to last week’s violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
He’ll have just enough time to issue a report that the DOJ’s actions were great and the Trump is a super awesome guy before he loses his job at 12:01 next Wednesday.
He was appointed IG by Trump in 2020, he does not deserve the benefit of the doubt that he will run a legitimate investigation.
Edit: I saw another site that said that he was appointed by Obama in 2012, if that is true he probably isn’t a Trumpster. If he was an Obama appointee I have to wonder how he managed to survive the Trump maladministration.
A tough call for me. Bottom line is I think they were hung out to dry. They were overwhelmed by the numbers, and attempted to stay peaceful. Obviously there are gonna be bad apples, bad examples of what we want wearing blue. Normally I am really hard on police - I hate them. In this case, I think the failure was a setup. A planned failure. Unless there was premeditation involving officers, I dont really want to see a big public display of head hunting.
Horowitz assumed his position in 2012, under President Obama. It’s amazing that he’s managed to stay on the job through all the other IG purges. Reassuring that he retains the independence to conduct a fair and thorough investigation that will be immediately accused by Republicans of being partisan upon its release.
If they do it right and avoid the lure of political correctness they’ll discover what we all know…the response was ineffective because many of the responders were sympathetic to the mob’s position. Wingnuts in law enforcement. It’s a problem everywhere. Any other conclusion is bullshit.
Horowitz was appointed by Obama and has been in office since 2012. Inspectors General are usually not replaced wholesale with a new administration. The longest-serving of the presidentially appointed IGs is Phyllis Fong at Agriculture who has been there since 2002.
My read is this is much less about the Capitol Police response and more about what the DoJ and its associated organizations like the FBI, did next to nothing, despite having plenty of evidence that this clusterfuck was brewing.
And that’s an investigation that is going to take awhile, and be plenty ugly. I think we’ve already seen the reader’s digest version…numerous Trump appointees shut down and aggressively attacked anyone that attempted to paint white supremists or Trumpers (a Venn diagram that far too often looks like just 1 circle) as a threat. So, when lots of blinking lights go off, the response was “Yeah, but those are our guys”.
It’s not rocket surgery in play here. The capability to stop that mob existed and was ready for swift deployment. What went down was it was not deployed. That’s it.
Arguments to the effect of “no one knew” are bullshit because the mob was broadcasting its intent for days prior.
Help was requested and denied.
Those that took it upon themselves to deploy help were stopped.
Why “investigate” what is obvious unless you wish to use “under investigation” as a cover for crap.
Nothing less than a thorough, independent, forensic analysis of the entire Trump regime is acceptable—done by professionals who do not emit a whiff of TRUMP STINK . Conflicts of interest, emoluments violations, caging children, election tampering… everything up to and including inciting insurrection.
The very fact that Trump didn’t fire him makes him suspect. Perhaps he just follows the prevailing wind, and with Trump gone he may blow in a different direction.