DOJ IG Finds FBI Lawyer May Have Altered Carter Page Surveillance Document

Obviously in jest, but probably not too far from the truth. Horowitz is the chief pedant of the federal government.


Yep. Bitter realities.:nauseated_face:

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Looks like Trump is gonna use Obama again as his sure-shot dog whistle. I’m sure his base will appreciate the reminder.

I’ll go with this.

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I saw that over at 538. Why is the support for impeachment dropping?? Especially after the stunning testimonies this week??

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Reminder: both Strzok and McCabe are currently suing DOJ.


How much time do you have?


I just don’t know anymore. I’m getting to think what time I have left would be better spent not trying to wrap my mind around the whims of voting Americans.


No. You’ve written what must be the opposite of what you meant: Republicans are not ABOVE it. It is not beneath them, however low, no?

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Oops. You are correct. Good thing you know what I meant :flushed:

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The really sinister part of the original reporting on the FISA warrant idiot was that the guy worked directly for/under Peter Strzok. Corrections have come out now, but that lie is already released into the wild and is being reproduced on social media like some kind of mad scientist’s algae creature.

Stuff like that reaches your average Facebook scroller and becomes a Trewth that undermines the entire factual universe surrounding these insidious “investigative questions.” Never mind that it’s WRONG, FALSE, UNTRUE, it’s nevertheless contributing to the growing miasma of people’s doubts about everything else we’re trying to make clear to the public.

It will become an article of faith that Strzok directed this guy to falsify records, and since that demon was involved, the alteration was done to gen up a supposedly bogus investigation of Carter Page, and therefore…

Jeez, I can’t go on. I just can’t believe that TRUTH means nothing anymore.

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Language gets tangled. Things get turned around. I followed the link here to Brent Larkin’s piece in Cleveland Plain Dealer. Savage, but can’t really blame someone wanting to scream at this point. I read all the comments - many, many pro and con. Fascinating reading comments from the right on Jordan, the Hearings. Their views are identical to many here in these comments. Like being yelled at by the mirror. Their guys are looking for facts, Democrats are lock-step in a totalitarian coup… Pretty much the way I view Republicans and their showing in the Hearings… There must be a way out of this crazy standoff. Thoughtful, precise argument maybe. Like picking a lock. There must be language that will make it through the inpass - reignite objective reality! :slightly_smiling_face:

Barr will redact the nature of the document so that Faux News et al. Can run with it and pretend it was key to the warrant being granted.

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But it won’t, because the GOP will pound the Democrats with it until they squeak surrender as opposed to fight back and pound the goppers back with it had no bearing etc.

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because you are much smarter and more engaged than the actual target audience – the people who are on the fence on impeachment.

Our 50% of americans were paying attention to the witnesses. 25% (i.e TrumpNation) were paying no attention at all, The other 25% – those who don’t usually pay attention – in addition to hearing damning testimony, were bombarded by irrelevant gop disinformation and talking points with almost no rebuttal from the democrats.

And when you have one side saying “this is true! this is important” this is relevant", and the other side has no answer, then that first side wins. And in this process, both sides were doing that – both sides were advancing their own narratives, and doing nothing to rebut the narrative of the other side.

So what you wind up with is a stalemate in these “uninformed voters” minds — and when your default position is “impeach only when absolutely necessary”, a stalemate is a loss for the good guys.


Hurd’s timing is comical given what is now coming out about Nunes.

Is there anything sadder than a black Republican? And yes, I’d tell that to anyone I knew who was one, with a mixture of pity and, well, pity.

I think the jury’s still out on how this plays out, especially since it’s far from over. Shoes are going to drop. Some are starting to. All cards haven’t been played. I have lots more cliches.


Obama is far too good and ethical as a lawyer to have encouraged any such ploy.

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Trump is now worse than useless even in the red states since he motivates more Democrats to come out.

The situation in the primaries is different …he doesn’t seem to be able to drag them in the direction of sanity but he might well be able to push semi- sane people out.

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