Just a couple months ago, the consensus view was that the current H5N1 avian flu was likely to be mostly a problem for bird populations, but then mammals came into play.
Testing takes a while. For example, Finland this week experienced a seagull die-off on its west coast, but the results aren’t due for a month. The worry is about the HPAI, highly pathenogenic avian influenza, which has been showing up on British farms. So far, all cases involve bird-to-human transmission. Bird to human transmission is still extremely rare. Bird flu is transmitted by bird poop, while most human flu virus is typically ejected via the mouth or nose. The anti-masking crowd lost it over covid rules, imagine the PPE rules with this virus if it does establish human-to-human transmission.
This is tricky. Is donald even conscious? Can he be categorized as having any rudimentary decision-making process? He certainly reacts to stimuli. Put his hand on a burning coal, and I’m pretty sure he would react. Would you state that he has no moral conscience, but that his conscience is completely amoral? Or totally erroneous?
Human Psychology, particularly Freudian psychology has defined our psyches as a balance, or a battle among three mind agents: Id, Superego, and the Ego which acts as the go-between in rounding out our mental impulses and behaviors.
Does your model of a conscience have similar agents? Like Good and Bad? Accurate or Inaccurate? Does it require a religious framework?
Is there a moral philosopher in the Hive that could help?
Donnie’s guilt is painfully obvious to anyone with enough working neurons and 2 eyes. The image of docs on the floor of trump’s office at Mar–a-Lago ought to be sufficient for conviction.
Scheduling is highly discretionary but given her track record she’s on thinner ice than most judges would be. She can easily find neutral seeming ways to delay it somewhat, but if she goes off about the unique nature of Trump as defendant she’s risking getting slapped (again).
Has anyone noticed that there’s a lot of pix where fat boy’s mouth is wide open? Is he talking, hollering or waiting for a morsel of food to be dropped into that gigantic maw?