WTF!! Isn’t this a job for his personal lawyer!? Oh! Sorry Barr is his personal attorney! Is Barr going to handle Trump’s next divorce as AG? Is he billing by the hour or are we paying for it? Trump is sucking everything and anything out of the government he can and this is just another example.
Nice to see she continues to haunt them
Our DOJ IS NOT DONALD J TRUMP’s law firm! His own damn lawyers should be filing these stupid ass appeals!
Poor Twumpie. There are some real meanies on Twitter who tweet back. Is there no justice?
Thank you, that seems to be what I did unintentionally. I think.
Of course it’s horrifying that Trump has corrupted the DOJ to this point, that goes without saying. But this is also just pathetic, that this republic is wasting resources and preparing to take this issue to the Supreme Court simply to spare the feelings of one mental patient who happens to be a government official. Obama had a Twitter account starting in 2007 and I can only imagine the foul abuse he must have taken in that and any other social-media forum you can think of. He brushed it off like a grown-ass non-maladjusted person. These are dark days, and very stupid too.
Not too quickly though because we want Barr and his lawyers to rack the billable hours that then we the people can ask back for in damages. I want liens on all these motherfucker’s properties and other assets.
The Office of the Presidency is sui generis and special when it comes to indictments, but, hey, he’s just a regular Joe on Twitter, don’t ya see?
SCOTUS spending any time at all on this is like me asking Elon Musk for help loading double “A”s into my remote control.
If he’s using his personal account to tweet official statements, he’s probably breaking the Official Records Act (especially if he deletes a tweet), not that anyone cares -unless it’s Hillary.
There’s some brazen partisans among the Supremes, no doubt, but if they suppressed speech to spare Trump’s feelings I wonder how they’d dare to move socially in legal circles ever again. Lawyers are a pretty argumentative bunch in my experience and I think they’d catch an earful, or run the risk, most places these folks would tend to hang out. Maybe I’m wrong, I don’t travel in those circles myself. But it’s a violation of a fundamental principle of this society. I have to think, or hope, that they’d hear about it.
And one of the most clearcut First Amendment situations we’ve got. He’s the president. He’s the government and the government is barred from shutting down speech by the constitution.
If they want to argue it’s this Schrodinger’s cat thing where it’s both public and private then good luck with that. There’s a privacy penumbra, somehow, from the pre-presidency? It’s laughable.
O/T, but only slightly…
Guess Trump’s harassment of the Fed has solid reasoning…
Oh, he owes us for a helluva lot more than just that.
Trump in the White House is like one of those nightmare tenants-from-Hell who move in, completely trash the place, knock holes in the walls, steal and sell the copper wiring, and leave the place vermin-ridden, buried in trash, and with obscene messages smeared on the walls with feces. The damage, foreign and domestic, that he has done to the nation is incalculable.
He’ll send ghoulsie and a bottle of scotch.
It would mean a radically different societal goalpost and that is a big Deal.
The War Between the States was not as radical from American norms as what Trump wants.
Trump wants to be a Ruler in the way we think of your classic dictator. Jeff Davis would not have.
Jeff would not have wanted to lead a government in which, “The law is what Jeff Davis says it is.”
Imp and a bottle?
Yeah it is laughable but he always thinks he can have his cake and eat it to - that’s his entire philosophy. hahaha