Does Asking Americans Whether ‘The Country Is On The Wrong Track’ Actually Measure Anything Useful?

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Kind of a ”is the glass half empty” or ”glass half full” sort of question, isn’t it?

May as well just ask people whether they listen to Fox News and Newsmax!


These public opinion surveys, often sponsored by news organizations, seek to understand where the public stands on the key issues of the day.

So subjective as to be worthless in an overall assessment of where a population with endless differences in sociology, age, culture, physicality,locality,education, financial means…you have to start somewhere…the corporate owned press with an unabashed financial agenda is as good a place as any…


They could ask, “Why are you unhappy with the Biden administration?” We all have our reasons. Right-wingers hate Biden for fictional reasons, like “open borders” and “rising crime.” Progressives hate Biden for abandoning his campaign promises like adding a public option to the ACA and raising the minimum wage. And then there is foreign policy, hoo boy.


I think the question is bad because I think the Biden Administration isn’t doing enough to move the country forward. So, it’s on the wrong track toward the right.


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I would have liked to see more explanation in the article about the necessary followups to that question that would clarify the details of what “the wrong track” means for the interviewee.

They almost seemed to be starting to go there, then the article stopped, like it’s an excerpt from a fuller article.

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It’s like asking if a room is the right temperature. “No” could mean it’s too hot OR too cold. Asking that questions doesn’t provide any information about what needs to be done.


The conclusion of the article, that people have different ideas on what “the wrong direction” is, hits me as kind of, “Well, duh!” I suppose the results of this kind of question, plotted over time, might give some evidence of the changing “mood” of the country. But lacking any more specificity, I don’t think it tells us much.


By the same token the statement “______ can get things done.” is another non description and ambiguous phrase that should be retired. Inciting an insurrection is a “thing” too.


These days “right track” / “wrong track” doesn’t even gauge how good folks feel about he country. It might measure how many people support the less powerful party.

It’s about as useful as a poll to determine this burning question, should toilet paper be:

  • Loose end in
  • Loose end out

0 voters


If you ask me, humanity is in the wrong track. We are destroying the planet in the name of economic “growth”.

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There’s a poll in there somewhere.

Less substance than I’ve come to expect from you guys. Sorry.

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I find such surveys or polls confusing. What does what “I feel” have to do with anything?

“I feel” like the US is experiencing a precarious and challenging time socially and governmentally as we try to live together under our constitutional framework as understood by traditions.

“I think” we are slogging through the process of reviewing our history, discerning what is relevant to keep for societal and budget purposes, and planning for the future but without a cohesive definition of what the word “nation” means to/for us.
Our constitution-based gov’t and legal structures are being tested while we have far too many non-governing-capable people who are simultaneously trying to exercise an ongoing hostile takeover/coup attempt - also without a plan for the future.

All of this with entrenched and encouraged corruption and “Covid brain”. yeesh.


Right track, wrong track…
Just look out for the third rail that carries all the electricity

For as much attention as the talking heads pay to this question it is both too open and too ambiguous to be very meaningful. It is more a gage of general anguish and discontent, but it doesn’t address WHY people are unhappy.

Discontent is also bi-partisan and laying the blame on the incumbent Executive and his administration is both illogical and too easy. Most people in our diverse culture are discontented for a variety of different and unrelated reasons.

For instance, the number one issue stirring emotions today is the threat to women’s choice. The right track / wrong track question could thus be fairly laid on discontent with the Supreme Court, which IMHO would be fully justified.


Drop that question completely. More relevant in my opinion, ask what is right with this country. Then ask what is wrong with this country.


That would be challenging. People would just rather bitch. Thinking is required when expressing oneself about the benefits of living in a democracy. Nah, too challenging and the POS 4th Estate can’t wrap their heads around that (hate that phrase) b/c all they want is emotion, not eloquence or even a slow carefully articulated answer. I’d personally rather bitch b/c no one wants to listen anyway.

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Yes, many times you don’t want them to do those things.

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