President Trump’s medical team said on Sunday morning that he could possibly be discharged from Walter Reed as soon as Monday while acknowledging that they painted a rosy picture on the Trump’s COVID-19 condition the day before.
“I was trying to reflect the upbeat attitude that the team, the President, his course of illness has had. I didn’t want to give any information that might steer the course of illness in another direction, and in doing so it came off that we were trying to hide something,” Conley said, adding that “wasn’t necessarily true.”
The logical question is “How many downbeat patients have you pronounced clinically dead, and had buried alive, in order reflect the attitude that the patient had?”
Since when does giving out information have any affect on the illness itself? Man he tortures the English language to avoid saying what he doesn’t want to say.
“If he continues to look and feel as well as he does today, our hope is that we can plan for a discharge as early as tomorrow to the White House where he can continue his treatment course,” Garibaldi said.
Translation: If we’re speaking in reality, rather than upbeat lies, we’re talking more like weeks.
Trump has clearly been severely impacted by COVID-19 based on how fast symptoms presented (if the infection occurred during the ACB announcement at the WH, he’s only had it for a week). They can only keep pumping Trump with steroids for upbeat twitter videos for only so long before it’ll start doing damage. He’s in this for the long haul.
I suspect they can treat him at the WH but I have heard lots of stories about people who have felt better and seemed to be doing better just before they take a decided turn for the worse. In fact it seems to be the nature of the illness. The doctors have a name for it. They call it “the second week crash.” I think it is when the immune system over responds. I think it is called the “Cytokine Storm.”
“It only looked like we were trying to hide something because we were trying to hide something, so I’m really puzzled why people thought we were trying to hide something. Hopefully now, after we admitted that we hid something, people will know that we never had and never will try to hide anything.”
The messaging from the Democrats and the Biden campaign is very easy on this. Jake Tapper just stated that “Trump is the symbol of his own failures.” He can’t protect himself, let alone the nation. This is what happens when you deny science and reality. tRump is ill because he believed his own lies about covid. He thought he could bend reality to his own will. He’s an arsonist that got burned in his own fire. Unfortunately, over 200,000 Americans got burned too.
By the way, Dr. Fauci just tested positive for Itolduso-2020.
“I didn’t want to give any information that might steer the course of the illness…”
Is it possible that he is saying 'I didn’t want to say anything negative because Trump is so emotionally labile that it might throw him into a panic attack…"
Yeah, great, let’s send Trump back to the White House while he’s still sick, so he can infect all the domestic staff who have to be there to take care of him, and American taxpayers can waste even more money on helicopter rides back and forth to Walter Reed when he deteriorates again, which he will.
Look, Doctors, just please keep the Donald there till he’s virus-free.
Lets call it what it is: “reflecting upbeat attitude” is not telling the truth. Not truth-telling is lying. People around the WORLD need to know the truth about the situation, and this guy admits to ad libbing and freestyling. I would think dishonesty violates the Oath…
It’s too bad to hear that he could be sent from the hospital on Monday. I was hoping he would at least suffer a little more.
But I take heart in the fact that almost nothing honest is ever reported about Dump’s health and the picture painted is always way better than actual. So he may yet end up on a ventilator.