Originally published at: DNC Night 3 Will Focus On Walz And Retaining Rights Stripped Away By Republicans - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Night three of the Democratic National Convention is upon us. Tonight’s theme will be “A fight for our freedoms,” where speakers will reportedly focus on highlighting the rights and freedoms stripped away under the Trump administration and Republicans broadly over the years. Former President Bill Clinton, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg…
I really hope Harris takes today off. She’s on the verge of blowing her voice out, and telegenically, women politicians with screechy voices are perceived as cackling or weak. Remember HRC? She needs to drink some masala tea and rest up, and not campaign all day again.
Who is Walz?
Ted Lasso.
Retaining or restoring?
Ted Lasso, fictional, but a hell of a role model.
Bet Tim will get the water pressure up.
“DNC Night 3 Will Focus On Walz And Retaining Rights Stripped Away By Republicans…”
“…and Penis Jokes.”
we’re all here for it
Dr Jonney prescribes the following…
- Smoke a joint,
- relax
- put on something comfortable
- watch the DNC
- supplement with Doritos when needed
That was last night…
Filling the RNC and DNC venues at the same time was the kicker
Endorse! Get the mind and voice relaxed as possible.
I’m most excited to hear from Buttigieg, Shapiro, Jeffries, and, of course, the next Vice President of the United States, Tim Walz.
The hall will be rocking again tonight.
What rights were stripped away beyond abortion and the ability to freely travel between states?
While I suspect Walz will avoid getting into a tit-for-tat with Private Eyeliner of the 101st Keyboard Division, I hope he at least takes some shots at Corporal Bonespurs. Keep hitting Trump on all
his cowardice and pathetic insecurities…
One thing I really appreciate during this time is the willingness to hit them where they really live. The battle is not just the politics of the whole thing, it is the dysfunction of Trump, The GOP and MAGA. That includes their fragile egos and fairy tales of what real people are like. They do not do well when people fight back and truths rule.
I was most struck by Michelle Obama’s speech, because it so echoed what I’ve been worried about: I don’t want to rain on anyone’s well-earned parade, but it is not going to be sunshine and rainbows for Harris until the election. Neither the right-wing nor mainstream media would abide that. She’s also bound to make a mistake, one that will likely be blown out of proportion by those two entities.
The right wing will be amplified by the mainstream media while ignoring any enormous fault by the right. This is where Democracy dies - when one side owns everything.
There may be some voting rights going down, and some equal protection issues under the law.
I’m pretty sure that were I to drive thru MS and AL to ATL GA, I’d have some trouble in my CA SUV
Oh, noes! You mean weird brain worm grifter might endorse weird authoritarian felon after securing a fictional administration role in the most not-secret negotiations ever? Might as well hang it up now … all hope is lost.
Seriously, though, I can’t even imagine how this is a negative. Kennedy sold what minuscule reputation he still possessed to come begging to the former guy.
Whoever was going to vote for Kennedy were never going to vote for Harris. Now the sliver of “I’m a special snowflake” voters who can’t stomach voting for a major party candidate will have to sit this one out or vote for Stein, joining another set who were never going to vote for Harris. Or maybe they’ll just sit this one out after all.
At the end of the day, I think this makes a difference a few thousand votes across all fifty states, and for those it will mean a net nothing on the whole.
Even now, I worry about this election; but the presence of Kennedy in the race, or lack thereof, isn’t even among the top 100 reasons.
The problem is in LA, crook cops (all of 'em) there are just dying to find something and confiscate your vehicle. By law size property gets to be split among the Police agency, the DA and the Judge, so you wont be getting a fair shake.