DNC Day 2 Brings More Big Name Dems, Republicans And Ex-Trump Aides

I don’t know why Garland’s DoJ doesn’t put and keep Trump under the hot lights and continue to grill him on the last question - where are the missing TS/SCI documents that pose “grave danger” to the United States. The counter-espionage aspects of the purloined document caper have received insufficient attention from everyone involved, but especially the Press. Our survivable as a Nation could be quite literally at stake but everyone from the SCOTUS to fake Judge Aileen Cannon to AG Garland shrugs their shoulders as if it doesn’t matter. It DOES matter and Trump should not be left off the hook until he coughs up the goods or confesses what he did.


So Trump gets Republicans to trash the border bill, and is now trying to trash a cease fire agreement in the Middle East. How many people are suffering due to his interference? How many in Gaza will die because Israel keeps up with the bombing? Do the protestors at the DNC realize Trump is working to cause more suffering, and will gladly let Israel flatten Gaza if he gets into office?

It’s a pretty horrible set of things Trump is doing there in an attempt to win, things that should not be done by presidential candidates. And, somehow, it’s always Republicans who are willing to let people overseas suffer so they can win a presidential election. Just another reason why they shouldn’t get back into power, they sure don’t deserve it.


Looks like Donnie found out where his caregivers hid his phone.



Well, back in my day the teachers had the students do it. But I suppose since this was an event without students… :wink:


Profit manipulation by companies is what Kamala Harris wants to change. The financial news organizations are losing their ever loving minds over her proposals, making up lies about what she wants to do and ignoring a very real problem. Breaking up monopoly power scares the shit out of them.

Robert Reich makes it so much easier to understand. He was the best Labor Secretary we ever had during my lifetime. I’m sure there were others equally as good but Reich is the one that made the most impression on reaching out to the public, explaining things and hasn’t quit since.


“What Republicans feared the most last night was the joy, but also the chants of ‘USA, USA, USA.’
And why did that ring true?
Because the Republican Party has sold itself to a man who lies about America every day and says we’re a nation in decline.”

~~Joe Scarborough


Coach Saban retired. … Oh, wait.

Because that’s not how it works—unless you’re watching an episode of Law & Order.



It is very likely that an investigation is ongoing, but they are doing it quietly because it’s sensitive and because of Trump being a presidential candidate. We may hear more about it after the election if Trump loses and charges come up, but we may also not hear anything because it’s sensitive information and releasing anything about it might be an issue (just telling people what’s in a document might be a problem all by itself). That may be why we don’t hear anything about it, there’s already rumors that some informants have disappeared that could have been identified in the documents Trump took…that’s not news the US government wants spread around.

That said, Trump taking classified documents certainly should be more newsworthy. I think it’s fallen to the wayside because of the drama of the election, and because the case has been so screwed up by Cannon and now dropped by her. The judicial interference really harmed that case, so the press may not want to touch it until the status changes. Maybe that will change, we’ll just have to wait…for now I think Harris is focusing more on telling her story and just calling Trump a felon instead of going into details on all his bad behavior, which is probably the better strategy.




“We really can’t get traction on Harris, what should we do, Jesse?”

“I know! Let’s dust off the birth certificate and the emails!”





I thought Sheriff Joe was still on that beat. Don’t want nobody poaching on nobody else’s turf, now, do we??



Seriously, they have lost their minds.


Thunderlips from Rocky III (1982) has had too many hits to his head…


Back in my day, the nun would hit you with the chair.


But if she has knowledge that Trump is trying to scuttle the deal to further his electoral chances (not, like, beyond the pale of possibility given how we know Trump operates), that would be breaking new ground.

Don’t know how this is any different than the interference in releasing the Iranian Hostages until AFTER the oath of office had been taken by Reagan. How different are these situations, where people not in official power interfere with official business?

When do we lock this guy up, already?


Here’s hoping Beyoncé sues the bastard.
