DNC Builds To Finale As Harris Prepares To Take The Stage

Originally published at: DNC Builds To Finale As Harris Prepares To Take The Stage

Thursday is the last night of the Democratic National Convention, bringing us to the finale of the DNC’s week-long effort to not just stir up enthusiasm for the Harris-Walz ticket, but to also explain and counter the sinister, grievance-based, backwards-looking agenda of the Trump-Vance campaign. Vice President Kamala Harris will deliver the keynote speech as…

EDITED RE EARLIER THREAD CLOSURE: Please keep conversation off the first few posts. I suggest jumping right to @srfromgr’ s first post) The big guy in the sky is ready to put the hammer down. (@Dback1, I am sucking up with Thor imagery)

Picture TBA – Miss MillyMelly say “What’s up for tonight? If Beyonce is too late, I’ll be asleep” (and snoring, Mom adds)


Kind of amazed no one here is talking about the DNC not allowing a Palestinian-American to speak at the convention. If we claim to have a big tent for everyone, they need to be heard. Muslim Women for Harris/Walz has already disbanded, and the UAW has sent a letter to the DNC advocating for allowing a speaker. This race is close; too close to be excluding any group from speaking. Not allowing them to speak could come back to haunt us in November.


Whom would you suggest?


So the Uncommitted movement thinks they should get to speak at the Convention for Democrats and those committed to electing the Democratic ticket? Maybe that’s what happens when you pick up your ball and go home (and tell everyone you will never let them play with your ball again and you hope the other team wins). Well, at least they got to speak at the Trump convention? No? Damn!


Yes. All I’ve heard from the GOP is stuff like “Nuke Gaza!” And “Deport all the Gaza protesters!” So really? “Genocide Joe”? The guy working to try to rein in Netanyahu and get a ceasefire? I can’t understand why better isn’t better.


Yeah, really kewl story, dood, especially when there have no shortage of threats of “we-will-not-vote-for-you-Genocide-Kamala-unless-you-cave-to-our-demands” variety that, you know, some people find slightly off-putting.

But as the previous poster said, who did you have in mind? Sinwar? Maybe you can arrange a Zoom or something, who can read some choice bits from the below communiqué from Hamas to Hizbullah. One of many juicy phrases:“We are winning and it’s time to finish off the ‘Zionist’ regime.” But again, that might not be convention material.


The DNC has been given a list of potential speakers, but this is the one they want now - The speaker they have in mind is Rep. Ruwa Romman, a Georgia state legislator.

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There is part of the Palestinian protest I don’t understand. For full disclosure, on the Israel vs Palestinian civilians, I’m on team Palestine.
The other side, the alternative, Team Trump, would allow Netanyahu to “do whatever the hell he wants” (like he told Putin he’d do for Ukraine) and completely annihilate the Palestinian population, full genocide, full takeover of every square inch on land their standing on.
I get that it’s not happening fast enough, but I believe Biden/Harris when they say they are working round the clock to find a resolution, and to reign in Israel.
I’m not sure the protesters in this case are acting in their self-interest.


It’s almost like we should have been listening to their concerns this whole time, wouldn’t you agree? This whole thing started because democrats we not willing to listen to them, or were paying only lip service to their concerns. Now you want to blame them for how they reacted to being ignored? Over 14,000 dead children in Gaza.

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It’s quite too bad you are applying zero pressure to the plucky freedom fighters of Hamas, who honestly, could release the hostages, a move that will almost single-handedly guarantee stopping military actions and precipitate an Israeli, sorry, Zionist withdrawal from Gaza.


Look at the situation. Hamas started the bloodletting in a big way. Iran is working on nukes and supports Hezbollah and Hamas. Israel has many Holocaust survivors with living memories. Anti-semitism is one of the world’s worst plagues. Actual genocide was committed against them. Unpopular Netanyahu will most likely go to prison for corruption if he’s out of office (sound familiar?). It is not an easy situation.


There is no easy solution, but ignoring it will not fix it.


No. Giving some hostage-taker (I mean that politically; that’s not a reference to Hamas, although it could be) a platform to spout one-sided nonsense does not accomplish anything except alienate voters. The cost outweighs any hypothetical benefit.





This ain’t happening here.

This one’s closed.


So here’s the deal:

We’ll reopen this one at 6:30 eastern.
Any hijacking into the Middle East…the hammer will land on the hijacker, not the community.


Take any I/P discussion to the dedicated Palestine topic in The Hive.

Call somebody names, you’ll win a prize.

you won’t like the prize