Divided Government Could Create Political Minefield For Biden On Road To COVID Eradication | Talking Points Memo

In one respect, President-elect Joe Biden faces a grim Jan. 20: an additional hundred thousand could be dead of COVID-19 between now and then, with case rates and hospitalizations skyrocketing around the country as the President copes with his loss by playing golf.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1343596

Clearly securing two Democratic Victories in these runoffs must be a clear priority for the Democratic party and its loyal followers. Now is a time for for Biden voters and supporters to donate to the cause. Warnock and Ossoff victories in these runoffs could well make all the difference in achieving progress on legislation to fight against COVID and to providing relief to those suffering from the pandemic. It would also help to insure a working government for the next four years.



Divided Government WILL Create Political Minefield For Biden On Road To COVID Eradication


There is no way that McConnell will allow anything good to happen in the U.S while Biden is President if he can help it . He’ll be like a pyromaniac in a wooden city that has no police or fire department. He’ll torch any bill that comes to the Senate if might benefit anyone, and he’ll do it with glee.


Mitch will do everything in his power to try to make Biden a one term President.

The first time he tried this tactic he failed, but the Republican dogma since 1980 has been fail once, try again. Fail twice, try again, Fail thrice, try again…

Fortunately, Mitch is 78. Time keeps on ticking, ticking away…


Go ahead, Mitch. Try to block a better plan to deal with covid. Try to block an economic response. See what happens.


Biden will need to explain, MSM must back him, to the public that the Repubs love to watch Americans die.


Way too early for this nonsense! Take a few days off.


Getting both of these Georgia seats is a huge lift. No matter what happens with the runoffs, Joe Biden needs to get Mitch the Russian’s b!t@# in a small room and tell him that if he thinks that he can obstruct and pretend that HE runs the US Government, he is sadly mistaken. Joe does not have to take care to not be an “angry black man” like Obama did. He knows Mitch the b!t@# very well, and he can let the little twerp know that the whole country is going to be told over and over how underhanded and arrogant he is, until he cannot leave his house for fear of being tarred and feathered. The man is a traitor…to the country, to his oath of office, to his own constituents and to the Constitution of the United States…


The once-in-a-century covid pandemic is essentially an external shock. It is estimated, for example, that the UK has not experienced as severe a drop and loss of GDP in two centuries. Similarly, we have yet to get any clear appraisal of how much covid will cost. We don’t even have a coherent response yet. This could all change quickly. For one, Americans are going to lose weight. Second, we will have much improved understanding of interferon deficiency and its role in severe covid. Third, masking and social distancing will be integrated into our lives for the next year or so. Finally, there may be progress on vaccines. Only then can we prognosticate on the costs of this pandemic. Some island countries such as Taiwan and New Zealand seem to be getting off pretty cheaply. Sri Lanka has had just 35 deaths.


I suggest donations to Stacey Abrams’ organization Fairfight.com, Without her we likely would not be talking about Warnock and Ossoff.


I thought the same thing. Predicting failure before we know the final make-up of Congress. This kind of speculation makes me crazy. How about, let’s put pressure on Trump to concede and cooperate with the transition.


Thanks to Fat Nixon, the GOP owns the Covid mortality rate. Time for them to extract themselves from that dubious honor, by acting like grown-ups for a change.


I’m wondering if the Covid plans as well as other Democratic priorities can be sandwiched into the big spending bills that have to be passed. Budgets essentially reflect one’s priorities. It will be the Executive branch and House against Mitch.


Yes, my immediate reaction. Get your legislation through the House, then turn to Mitch and defy him to block it. Go public - “The Senate is trying to bankrupt you and kill you. Are you OK with that?”


Joy Reid articulated this in a most powerful way recently…
BTW I thought the desk panel of Rachel Maddows, Nicole Wallace and Joy Reid - with Lawrence O’Donnell as anchor/host - was a brilliant move by MSNBC. A whole lot of savvy and brains in one room for those nights of coverage.
Correction: It was Brian Williams, not Lawrence O’Donnell, now that I think of it. My bad! (I watch those guys back-to-back all the time, so I should know better.)


With Kentucky having a Democrat Governor who would name the replacement.

Karma times infinity…


Fuck off Josh. You have a crystal ball? Didn’t think so. Here’s my headline:

Looming Dem Senate victories in Georgia set to derail Mitch Fucking McConnell’s plan to finish off America

Go write that story you coward.


We need to think beyond Covid as well. This isn’t the last viral pandemic we’ll see. It’s hard to maintain planning and the necessary inventories when the hazard isn’t immediate.


I don’t accept the concept of miracles, but I would welcome some “happy contingencies” in the manner of certain satisfaction satisfying obituaries and scandal ridden retirements.

“Biden could face a serious roadblock — in the form of Mitch McConnell — constraining parts of his COVID-19 agenda.”


“…coherent national framework”

Having one will be a huge benefit.