Discussion for article #226031
Silly, but fun.
I’m gonna miss the Colbert Report character when he moves on. Fortunately, though, I don’t think I’ll have to miss HRC as well!
Gosh he is so great!! Hilary did surprisingly well in this bit also
HRC/Warren 2016
Mrs. Clinton is looking good! Time well spent at the day spa.
Good move.
Hillary For POTUS
Colbert For FCC Commissioner
That was a great bit.
Fortunately? Christ…
she looks great but it seems the whole dialogue was pre-written. seemed a little stilted.
About time that she wasn’t put under the gun. Her everyday doesn’t have to be all about passing the test.
The one thing I’m reallllllllllly going to miss about Obama is his comic timing. H (as her close friends call her) just ain’t got it. Obama has the best timing since JFK. I can’t think of a 2016 candidate on either side who doesn’t make me cringe like the debate in episode 8 of Veep season 2. I’m resigned to Hillary being elected and concede that she might actually be a better or at least more effective president than Obama, but listening to her makes me cringe with embarrassment on her behalf - not a good sign.
If Obama is the coolest candidate and Romney without a doubt the stiffest, I guess Hillary is a little worse than dead-center. It’s really amazing how stiff and unlikely most of them are.
Christie, I hate to admit, seems the most comfortable in his own massive skin, but he’s such an angry pig that it cuts both ways. Hopefully he’ll be up the river at East Jersey Penitentiary by then.